condition mean min max Egg cell 277.56166666666667 132.531 382.915 Ovary 13.28502 8.97046 16.3965 Ovule 31.957024999999998 15.7113 57.1667 Microspore 29.996084 1.22819 114.24 Bicellular microspore 0.102687 0.102687 0.102687 Pollen (mature) 0.40467685135135134 0.0 1.35417 Pollen tube 0.11358188333333333 0.0687 0.174211 Sperm cell 1.7880678571428572 0.0 3.90411 Pollen tube 0.11358188333333333 0.0687 0.174211 Tassels (primordia) 76.15625 52.2828 87.9711 Tassels (anther) 91.91024615384616 73.4725 132.763 Tassels 53.884175 28.3516 75.6991 Silk 48.1602 40.2352 56.0852 Ear 64.58842 17.2973 125.612 Ear (immature) 55.347683333333336 47.9421 77.1708 Ear (inflorescence) 52.6906 48.2027 57.1785 Ear (primordia) 47.68298333333333 27.9185 63.2094 Zygote (12 HAP) 313.0503333333333 285.681 349.315 Zygote (24 HAP) 283.76366666666667 238.93 346.871 Daughter cell (apical) 111.50353333333334 85.2026 138.18 Daughter cell (basal) 122.77266666666667 111.202 145.742 Embryo 104.42253333333333 39.195 245.257 Nucellus 96.7673 94.3928 99.1418 Endopserm 27.469581428571427 9.67724 73.986 Kernel 55.167633333333335 20.6711 104.435 Kernel (germinating) 111.2365 107.638 114.835 Seeds 63.16330606060606 26.1117 133.395 Embryo Sac 43.3201 32.6182 54.022 Pericarp and aleurone 52.9597 52.9597 52.9597 Coleoptile (5 day) 95.01916666666666 91.3483 97.1169 Seedling 59.34809565217392 29.7279 148.205 Internode 101.69574285714285 33.7942 161.313 Sheath 61.69725 59.9663 63.4282 Shoot (apex) 59.8322024 25.424 110.803 Shoot 57.55309166666667 43.1779 74.4755 Whole plant 65.876625 38.1061 104.19 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 34.52065 33.4415 35.5998 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 31.437066666666666 24.5217 35.2802 Apical meristem 47.1911 47.1911 47.1911 Stem and meristem 56.2896 51.1551 61.4241 Stems 71.03371250000001 37.1946 105.748 Stem (Internode) 99.69386666666666 93.6486 103.77 Leaf 72.29531351351352 20.1549 209.099 Leaf (apex) 37.5429 34.2424 40.8434 Leaf (bundle sheath) 52.9054 51.8662 53.9446 Leaf (mesophyll) 41.24166666666667 34.8122 48.0924 Leaf (seedlings) 27.59203533333333 4.07016 67.417 Leaf and kernel 40.17815 32.0706 43.7394 Ear (leaf) 60.076 60.076 60.076 Root 100.21511979166667 23.2684 199.626 Root (elongation zone) 78.4731 35.1731 128.114 Root (meristematic zone) 52.02365 51.1994 52.8479 Root (stele) 70.707575 45.1128 89.2131 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 92.7545 92.7545 92.7545 Secondary root 56.3455 56.3455 56.3455 Root, root hairs removed 67.1056 67.1056 67.1056 Root (maturation zone) 30.5192 30.5192 30.5192