condition mean min max Egg cell 69.51406666666666 35.5088 90.3041 Ovary 2.25512 1.80097 2.71893 Ovule 98.77055 67.054 148.575 Microspore 53.201234 2.05465 117.115 Bicellular microspore 9.04384 9.04384 9.04384 Pollen (mature) 2.3751394054054056 0.236872 15.737 Pollen tube 2.9613416666666668 1.72823 4.55883 Sperm cell 177.1400757142857 9.70543 384.887 Pollen tube 2.9613416666666668 1.72823 4.55883 Tassels (primordia) 70.296025 52.7426 83.2634 Tassels (anther) 76.88938461538461 55.6197 129.352 Tassels 91.81536125 6.59419 171.548 Silk 40.95285 21.921 59.9847 Ear 88.39647 23.1251 235.49 Ear (immature) 26.544633333333334 20.9358 30.1786 Ear (inflorescence) 81.4656 53.9202 109.011 Ear (primordia) 80.4468 11.7723 101.905 Zygote (12 HAP) 82.6929 68.6625 97.8597 Zygote (24 HAP) 69.28296666666667 45.5054 81.9032 Daughter cell (apical) 103.66216666666666 82.0356 135.002 Daughter cell (basal) 79.97463333333333 63.1751 100.577 Embryo 65.99002222222222 10.9899 126.862 Nucellus 134.94799999999998 132.79 137.106 Endopserm 41.240878571428574 10.0102 72.4645 Kernel 78.29164166666666 43.7034 126.738 Kernel (germinating) 94.15395 48.6249 139.683 Seeds 121.47962424242425 20.8705 211.19 Embryo Sac 96.1566 95.7704 96.5428 Pericarp and aleurone 48.6803 48.6803 48.6803 Coleoptile (5 day) 48.614466666666665 30.4735 58.8597 Seedling 111.4519647826087 6.65569 243.175 Internode 179.41595714285714 47.4947 217.809 Sheath 174.06799999999998 144.98 203.156 Shoot (apex) 79.5535016 11.5682 245.737 Shoot 59.713966666666664 34.4487 115.502 Whole plant 127.00125 40.9583 223.79 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 32.79305 28.588 36.9981 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 51.56406666666667 48.14 57.8489 Apical meristem 75.5555 75.5555 75.5555 Stem and meristem 117.686 113.34 122.032 Stems 171.922125 127.326 215.927 Stem (Internode) 193.35166666666666 174.468 203.488 Leaf 127.13883153153154 14.1508 351.081 Leaf (apex) 64.48005 59.9034 69.0567 Leaf (bundle sheath) 85.5322 46.2694 124.795 Leaf (mesophyll) 96.7475 82.0205 106.063 Leaf (seedlings) 45.372828 7.3275 123.863 Leaf and kernel 44.69446666666666 34.0309 58.2604 Ear (leaf) 122.911 122.911 122.911 Root 179.915465625 25.0975 371.557 Root (elongation zone) 70.355975 19.3909 139.913 Root (meristematic zone) 76.5478 73.6799 79.4157 Root (stele) 289.85525 259.034 314.094 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 176.525 176.525 176.525 Secondary root 53.7721 53.7721 53.7721 Root, root hairs removed 131.6 131.6 131.6 Root (maturation zone) 25.3946 25.3946 25.3946