condition mean min max Egg cell 7.377903333333333 1.96537 15.8464 Ovary 6.64342 4.36445 8.42283 Ovule 24.367675 17.6947 37.2658 Microspore 6.7246748 0.982344 15.3037 Bicellular microspore 0.984281 0.984281 0.984281 Pollen (mature) 21.943184324324324 3.33621 70.7218 Pollen tube 9.700255 9.10277 10.3687 Sperm cell 9.217325714285714 3.92439 20.0548 Pollen tube 9.700255 9.10277 10.3687 Tassels (primordia) 35.39565 33.0469 37.945 Tassels (anther) 86.92127692307693 41.7547 161.245 Tassels 56.27959 6.35372 117.674 Silk 47.087950000000006 11.7429 82.433 Ear 67.99657 10.2049 336.982 Ear (immature) 18.911066666666667 16.38 20.3087 Ear (inflorescence) 19.50955 14.8876 24.1315 Ear (primordia) 26.779958333333333 9.28145 38.2495 Zygote (12 HAP) 12.084193333333333 6.32188 16.9645 Zygote (24 HAP) 22.729833333333335 12.5653 32.9538 Daughter cell (apical) 11.161363333333334 6.9271 17.8197 Daughter cell (basal) 11.7423 10.5894 13.8129 Embryo 82.01172222222222 28.603 157.694 Nucellus 47.9476 45.03 50.8652 Endopserm 20.277649999999998 13.3199 34.796 Kernel 34.8593 19.7384 60.4944 Kernel (germinating) 27.54535 13.7761 41.3146 Seeds 43.88130242424242 9.84238 90.4393 Embryo Sac 39.20445 38.182 40.2269 Pericarp and aleurone 27.9536 27.9536 27.9536 Coleoptile (5 day) 29.305966666666666 25.9345 31.4779 Seedling 57.23871304347826 15.8993 185.56 Internode 157.4490142857143 25.5472 399.658 Sheath 62.103 48.9174 75.2886 Shoot (apex) 31.09946496 6.76282 49.9957 Shoot 26.465783333333334 13.7346 56.154 Whole plant 36.168725 17.8141 49.8919 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 16.5472 15.7597 17.3347 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 19.608266666666665 18.0269 21.8065 Apical meristem 28.9656 28.9656 28.9656 Stem and meristem 32.3084 31.7366 32.8802 Stems 65.91775 35.7711 242.141 Stem (Internode) 153.77816666666666 95.2915 234.448 Leaf 44.54496945945946 4.66531 336.244 Leaf (apex) 36.589600000000004 30.7384 42.4408 Leaf (bundle sheath) 37.60935 22.485 52.7337 Leaf (mesophyll) 46.2952 44.466 48.4253 Leaf (seedlings) 19.322818 4.14649 49.2824 Leaf and kernel 30.6693 19.8263 34.8759 Ear (leaf) 26.0051 26.0051 26.0051 Root 34.2371375 11.0972 68.7201 Root (elongation zone) 27.3409 11.3416 46.8155 Root (meristematic zone) 15.09175 14.4515 15.732 Root (stele) 24.15735 16.4229 28.1655 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 45.1232 45.1232 45.1232 Secondary root 20.9947 20.9947 20.9947 Root, root hairs removed 33.2776 33.2776 33.2776 Root (maturation zone) 9.26176 9.26176 9.26176