condition mean min max Egg cell 28.344466666666666 17.1705 46.5918 Ovary 10.047283333333333 6.76625 12.9605 Ovule 32.224175 22.3317 36.6043 Microspore 10.9352512 0.172706 34.9433 Bicellular microspore 0.125648 0.125648 0.125648 Pollen (mature) 5.633057162162162 0.921735 20.7506 Pollen tube 1.9226366666666668 1.61196 2.44241 Sperm cell 4.392758285714286 0.373269 9.37275 Pollen tube 1.9226366666666668 1.61196 2.44241 Tassels (primordia) 39.030625 34.4138 49.1401 Tassels (anther) 60.61727692307692 48.7021 90.0399 Tassels 35.4132625 10.8438 56.4716 Silk 24.73413 8.49586 40.9724 Ear 31.06609 16.3525 62.0687 Ear (immature) 25.372983333333334 14.5238 32.1613 Ear (inflorescence) 23.15735 16.0408 30.2739 Ear (primordia) 32.73043333333334 12.169 48.7866 Zygote (12 HAP) 83.97756666666666 60.2233 109.792 Zygote (24 HAP) 87.53443333333334 80.8623 96.4726 Daughter cell (apical) 30.66923333333333 22.6195 39.6228 Daughter cell (basal) 23.2351 16.1888 28.5425 Embryo 30.829233333333335 13.3472 45.2204 Nucellus 78.6091 76.7783 80.4399 Endopserm 52.72420714285714 14.8466 131.724 Kernel 65.428275 16.5321 112.413 Kernel (germinating) 40.0092 29.7417 50.2767 Seeds 54.139154545454545 17.1073 81.5694 Embryo Sac 41.60775 34.8252 48.3903 Pericarp and aleurone 25.1051 25.1051 25.1051 Coleoptile (5 day) 55.594233333333335 49.1978 58.9446 Seedling 34.861304347826085 16.3394 56.2525 Internode 49.78622857142857 28.338 72.0119 Sheath 48.33855 45.0092 51.6679 Shoot (apex) 30.45891896 9.32877 55.5215 Shoot 21.778383333333334 15.9001 38.5217 Whole plant 31.043225 25.7082 38.447 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 9.970500000000001 9.5564 10.3846 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 9.140073333333333 8.25289 9.9466 Apical meristem 22.9504 22.9504 22.9504 Stem and meristem 36.84605 36.5428 37.1493 Stems 48.3475875 38.029 61.3166 Stem (Internode) 48.695366666666665 45.1334 53.0396 Leaf 32.31047207207207 10.3995 97.1096 Leaf (apex) 22.16865 20.9592 23.3781 Leaf (bundle sheath) 17.947605 9.28381 26.6114 Leaf (mesophyll) 20.234333333333332 16.1374 26.8838 Leaf (seedlings) 15.538505333333333 2.59656 39.018 Leaf and kernel 19.518250000000002 14.4428 29.7486 Ear (leaf) 20.1157 20.1157 20.1157 Root 46.67594166666667 27.1613 73.0154 Root (elongation zone) 41.113575000000004 16.7926 65.3285 Root (meristematic zone) 36.108149999999995 35.8155 36.4008 Root (stele) 59.632675 52.58 69.6613 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 52.4466 52.4466 52.4466 Secondary root 39.212 39.212 39.212 Root, root hairs removed 43.9721 43.9721 43.9721 Root (maturation zone) 18.6907 18.6907 18.6907