condition mean min max Egg cell 1988.8 1273.12 2842.39 Ovary 2.3652976666666667 0.304093 5.74476 Ovule 184.78925 141.113 290.267 Microspore 53.279562 5.04251 89.699 Bicellular microspore 4.57646 4.57646 4.57646 Pollen (mature) 3.3346266486486487 0.0 19.4217 Pollen tube 1.1293715 0.612349 1.35121 Sperm cell 4.484518571428572 0.0 11.6179 Pollen tube 1.1293715 0.612349 1.35121 Tassels (primordia) 396.62874999999997 261.736 493.079 Tassels (anther) 141.15293076923078 62.7425 184.432 Tassels 88.5256 18.5233 216.508 Silk 107.18535 24.9587 189.412 Ear 302.50485 44.8709 640.329 Ear (immature) 311.10716666666667 249.699 402.831 Ear (inflorescence) 540.0625 520.513 559.612 Ear (primordia) 224.56900000000002 103.095 260.721 Zygote (12 HAP) 1482.44 1268.01 1648.49 Zygote (24 HAP) 1829.7133333333334 1700.11 1914.2 Daughter cell (apical) 936.8316666666667 772.648 1184.58 Daughter cell (basal) 997.746 851.058 1106.69 Embryo 392.21158888888885 81.5003 1432.28 Nucellus 182.49900000000002 160.145 204.853 Endopserm 86.08615714285715 20.2345 258.614 Kernel 136.91843333333333 57.7016 214.133 Kernel (germinating) 229.0115 226.283 231.74 Seeds 173.76406666666668 48.2796 269.581 Embryo Sac 177.14 176.977 177.303 Pericarp and aleurone 40.9395 40.9395 40.9395 Coleoptile (5 day) 98.97806666666666 90.7472 104.733 Seedling 51.76089739130435 9.61654 160.249 Internode 173.649 118.3 347.562 Sheath 154.006 140.748 167.264 Shoot (apex) 202.42013359999999 82.6137 401.599 Shoot 115.61994166666666 48.4765 190.782 Whole plant 70.904325 52.7857 80.9207 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 423.632 367.926 479.338 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 355.51633333333336 334.367 385.909 Apical meristem 586.208 586.208 586.208 Stem and meristem 300.258 297.508 303.008 Stems 207.612 128.802 319.197 Stem (Internode) 153.99933333333334 149.622 161.2 Leaf 68.86280315315315 0.0 561.366 Leaf (apex) 380.7405 323.668 437.813 Leaf (bundle sheath) 15.336585 9.08857 21.5846 Leaf (mesophyll) 12.224476666666668 5.143 25.2159 Leaf (seedlings) 6.7742766 0.625499 19.6975 Leaf and kernel 13.13967 2.51588 39.17 Ear (leaf) 28.7451 28.7451 28.7451 Root 148.52248020833332 29.935 445.687 Root (elongation zone) 160.97932500000002 94.0193 258.523 Root (meristematic zone) 400.225 397.955 402.495 Root (stele) 127.9695 103.458 171.17 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 130.057 130.057 130.057 Secondary root 215.477 215.477 215.477 Root, root hairs removed 191.726 191.726 191.726 Root (maturation zone) 416.806 416.806 416.806