condition mean min max Egg cell 34.81706666666667 31.5467 41.1727 Ovary 2.6749433333333332 1.75717 3.44 Ovule 34.656925 17.2518 69.4188 Microspore 16.955644 0.0 39.0251 Bicellular microspore 1.34384 1.34384 1.34384 Pollen (mature) 0.5662387297297298 0.0 3.06298 Pollen tube 0.14451983333333335 0.0 0.405696 Sperm cell 0.3814898571428571 0.0 2.12883 Pollen tube 0.14451983333333335 0.0 0.405696 Tassels (primordia) 27.551475 20.5676 37.491 Tassels (anther) 26.875476923076924 10.2707 36.2886 Tassels 17.104613625 0.938089 33.6486 Silk 19.55888 7.68906 31.4287 Ear 38.396065 4.36916 117.771 Ear (immature) 23.701416666666667 17.2793 30.5171 Ear (inflorescence) 30.3109 26.7205 33.9013 Ear (primordia) 20.204551666666667 1.69149 41.069 Zygote (12 HAP) 48.98416666666667 13.5156 74.8798 Zygote (24 HAP) 41.482533333333336 19.0014 70.1306 Daughter cell (apical) 117.28163333333333 78.0319 137.099 Daughter cell (basal) 91.91416666666666 85.0145 96.0426 Embryo 73.6132188888889 1.91597 135.156 Nucellus 46.429550000000006 43.8042 49.0549 Endopserm 33.73535785714286 8.68161 86.4995 Kernel 44.03264166666666 19.4079 66.0037 Kernel (germinating) 77.88965 37.2573 118.522 Seeds 53.759218181818184 15.8654 156.692 Embryo Sac 31.56195 30.3938 32.7301 Pericarp and aleurone 25.3498 25.3498 25.3498 Coleoptile (5 day) 8.59134 6.65507 10.8022 Seedling 46.62533739130435 6.61526 194.098 Internode 83.42864285714286 61.6605 94.6842 Sheath 86.61085 84.6025 88.6192 Shoot (apex) 57.594068 19.887 100.517 Shoot 33.68143333333333 19.0736 60.0411 Whole plant 39.5325 10.6861 58.6909 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 59.8369 56.0319 63.6419 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 42.93676666666667 40.1027 47.1007 Apical meristem 46.7028 46.7028 46.7028 Stem and meristem 65.62985 56.1171 75.1426 Stems 71.019175 51.3689 95.5113 Stem (Internode) 81.57993333333333 77.0295 86.2802 Leaf 42.501577477477475 1.74137 180.98 Leaf (apex) 72.56145000000001 70.7214 74.4015 Leaf (bundle sheath) 35.40635 16.3622 54.4505 Leaf (mesophyll) 29.947733333333332 28.3162 31.5948 Leaf (seedlings) 7.302694666666667 0.0 15.911 Leaf and kernel 16.32105 12.019 20.8942 Ear (leaf) 26.9301 26.9301 26.9301 Root 76.76535625 11.1629 172.985 Root (elongation zone) 92.84895 49.3178 132.967 Root (meristematic zone) 74.31710000000001 68.1718 80.4624 Root (stele) 98.826425 88.6847 103.809 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 70.0793 70.0793 70.0793 Secondary root 56.1996 56.1996 56.1996 Root, root hairs removed 70.3733 70.3733 70.3733 Root (maturation zone) 35.2136 35.2136 35.2136