condition mean min max Egg cell 66.32006666666666 0.0 126.005 Ovary 136.14903333333334 93.6291 163.453 Ovule 302.48275 264.582 372.519 Microspore 40.3631556 0.0 176.126 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 1.4228772243243244 0.0 4.64836 Pollen tube 2.3640383333333332 1.32566 4.03515 Sperm cell 12.651561000000001 0.0 48.6045 Pollen tube 2.3640383333333332 1.32566 4.03515 Tassels (primordia) 362.7255 338.957 391.691 Tassels (anther) 245.35515384615385 114.608 467.113 Tassels 316.16146249999997 10.9711 1081.54 Silk 58.6336 26.8551 90.4121 Ear 482.214705 4.45908 795.082 Ear (immature) 606.6536666666667 533.14 792.746 Ear (inflorescence) 813.563 764.812 862.314 Ear (primordia) 408.182 125.127 1116.14 Zygote (12 HAP) 28.6222 14.2261 48.929 Zygote (24 HAP) 89.12563333333334 27.3725 207.132 Daughter cell (apical) 13.216056666666667 9.64397 16.4638 Daughter cell (basal) 55.944766666666666 25.1296 97.343 Embryo 113.55796666666667 14.2023 271.752 Nucellus 622.8045 589.506 656.103 Endopserm 61.06216642857143 1.8182 230.4 Kernel 549.0297 21.3006 2293.27 Kernel (germinating) 103.48745 57.2889 149.686 Seeds 147.26558181818183 20.9334 894.315 Embryo Sac 154.2541 74.6572 233.851 Pericarp and aleurone 20.8996 20.8996 20.8996 Coleoptile (5 day) 27.732 24.4415 33.8782 Seedling 34.529504347826084 3.14821 220.982 Internode 65.70182857142856 14.8155 313.029 Sheath 71.48675 68.3776 74.5959 Shoot (apex) 221.3547848 59.671 529.941 Shoot 54.06890833333333 10.4735 86.3838 Whole plant 32.754925 18.0655 42.3647 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 407.875 331.338 484.412 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 11.835600000000001 10.1742 13.2848 Apical meristem 426.666 426.666 426.666 Stem and meristem 200.25799999999998 188.125 212.391 Stems 76.2155375 20.4918 161.488 Stem (Internode) 35.252900000000004 24.859 48.1143 Leaf 13.098756684684684 0.0 291.649 Leaf (apex) 360.183 358.395 361.971 Leaf (bundle sheath) 1.369944 0.388898 2.35099 Leaf (mesophyll) 1.0059536666666666 0.513491 1.42358 Leaf (seedlings) 2.2152426666666667 0.292223 9.02964 Leaf and kernel 1.979332 0.366319 5.26358 Ear (leaf) 0.655999 0.655999 0.655999 Root 101.554596875 30.617 303.133 Root (elongation zone) 63.243725000000005 26.1395 105.938 Root (meristematic zone) 180.629 146.539 214.719 Root (stele) 96.33275 81.2882 137.657 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 96.0118 96.0118 96.0118 Secondary root 128.292 128.292 128.292 Root, root hairs removed 65.6802 65.6802 65.6802 Root (maturation zone) 272.976 272.976 272.976