condition mean min max Egg cell 6.419953333333333 6.13155 6.66963 Ovary 1.4174126666666667 0.818208 1.72259 Ovule 13.91265 10.6335 16.1193 Microspore 9.575244 1.36762 15.3827 Bicellular microspore 1.04635 1.04635 1.04635 Pollen (mature) 1.8371773243243243 0.224723 7.01923 Pollen tube 1.335324 0.949204 1.76944 Sperm cell 8.37849 4.34017 24.05 Pollen tube 1.335324 0.949204 1.76944 Tassels (primordia) 26.9043 21.684 40.147 Tassels (anther) 18.59816153846154 11.0999 27.9537 Tassels 16.58977 4.44757 25.1665 Silk 11.51041 7.47322 15.5476 Ear 17.304755 4.10198 37.507 Ear (immature) 12.062621666666667 9.43373 14.0282 Ear (inflorescence) 9.40711 6.47532 12.3389 Ear (primordia) 12.872596666666666 3.32478 21.9634 Zygote (12 HAP) 26.766913333333335 7.50304 39.0053 Zygote (24 HAP) 25.121056666666668 7.29657 34.0471 Daughter cell (apical) 36.07246666666667 21.077 46.276 Daughter cell (basal) 24.938433333333332 14.1636 35.5126 Embryo 64.92417777777777 16.9277 303.269 Nucellus 11.296 10.6927 11.8993 Endopserm 33.35588642857143 9.41781 60.4377 Kernel 40.864315 3.77408 105.127 Kernel (germinating) 42.41395 14.6654 70.1625 Seeds 34.89830484848485 5.91456 65.6637 Embryo Sac 30.9024 20.955 40.8498 Pericarp and aleurone 27.9256 27.9256 27.9256 Coleoptile (5 day) 35.74743333333333 30.0581 40.9656 Seedling 13.138891739130434 3.87379 32.8916 Internode 22.73994857142857 9.52294 29.5867 Sheath 18.395400000000002 15.7423 21.0485 Shoot (apex) 17.18417464 5.84345 35.1407 Shoot 6.756553333333334 3.61621 13.5977 Whole plant 14.47686 5.77034 25.7881 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 8.80248 8.16379 9.44117 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 18.6888 13.7518 22.0333 Apical meristem 19.333 19.333 19.333 Stem and meristem 20.28365 19.2062 21.3611 Stems 23.6856375 17.9988 34.0454 Stem (Internode) 25.449333333333332 18.5532 36.0864 Leaf 19.52042864864865 1.34631 214.606 Leaf (apex) 18.83315 17.4516 20.2147 Leaf (bundle sheath) 4.7938849999999995 3.13668 6.45109 Leaf (mesophyll) 4.362706666666667 3.00482 5.17177 Leaf (seedlings) 5.9076542666666665 0.689134 11.9807 Leaf and kernel 8.380875 5.35942 12.3145 Ear (leaf) 14.0151 14.0151 14.0151 Root 27.979478125 11.0828 124.813 Root (elongation zone) 28.467775 13.2836 45.1463 Root (meristematic zone) 30.39345 28.356 32.4309 Root (stele) 24.65535 21.3205 29.5101 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 24.161 24.161 24.161 Secondary root 14.6686 14.6686 14.6686 Root, root hairs removed 20.3825 20.3825 20.3825 Root (maturation zone) 11.2649 11.2649 11.2649