condition mean min max Egg cell 0.34978960000000003 0.0943928 0.744388 Ovary 16.743766666666666 13.9824 20.0458 Ovule 29.389145 5.81468 87.7695 Microspore 0.32929776 0.0 0.921776 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 0.07376870540540541 0.0 0.472622 Pollen tube 0.05016213333333333 0.0242468 0.0740285 Sperm cell 0.07553592857142857 0.0 0.213988 Pollen tube 0.05016213333333333 0.0242468 0.0740285 Tassels (primordia) 42.883975 28.5871 51.2107 Tassels (anther) 29.501746153846153 18.2525 58.6853 Tassels 48.8371875 19.0665 89.6642 Silk 14.271349999999998 11.0819 17.4608 Ear 59.33033 26.0393 79.1309 Ear (immature) 40.97841666666667 34.6955 54.7303 Ear (inflorescence) 57.29585 47.2694 67.3223 Ear (primordia) 49.936080000000004 8.27454 164.162 Zygote (12 HAP) 2.6140066666666666 0.20089 4.23267 Zygote (24 HAP) 2.7724719999999996 0.859736 4.23631 Daughter cell (apical) 1.7527566666666667 1.60894 2.01927 Daughter cell (basal) 2.06352 1.65748 2.39398 Embryo 28.483766666666668 15.4529 43.0953 Nucellus 88.03125 87.5845 88.478 Endopserm 14.594442857142857 3.30051 43.6825 Kernel 34.443 11.8392 86.844 Kernel (germinating) 52.295550000000006 34.1009 70.4902 Seeds 31.432004545454546 6.44093 93.758 Embryo Sac 9.55709 7.65418 11.46 Pericarp and aleurone 13.4525 13.4525 13.4525 Coleoptile (5 day) 17.55153333333333 16.5551 19.1661 Seedling 33.6503 15.0516 55.6669 Internode 57.40098571428572 35.7116 82.1432 Sheath 45.178799999999995 34.0213 56.3363 Shoot (apex) 72.5159904 34.2973 163.713 Shoot 38.13630833333333 25.382 76.9561 Whole plant 47.138325 42.1961 50.0661 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 26.811300000000003 25.6871 27.9355 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 2.238 1.69237 3.20592 Apical meristem 30.1717 30.1717 30.1717 Stem and meristem 33.0079 32.885 33.1308 Stems 42.36307125 8.54407 66.3155 Stem (Internode) 56.57333333333333 46.2121 68.5792 Leaf 40.49048900900901 2.0234 182.819 Leaf (apex) 22.1282 21.6011 22.6553 Leaf (bundle sheath) 23.5708 23.4252 23.7164 Leaf (mesophyll) 22.248966666666668 19.2278 24.5958 Leaf (seedlings) 18.731596 1.90497 48.7323 Leaf and kernel 36.807433333333336 25.4165 44.3575 Ear (leaf) 26.4554 26.4554 26.4554 Root 34.181500625 9.98946 78.6069 Root (elongation zone) 22.42265 20.1695 26.3639 Root (meristematic zone) 22.9543 22.7044 23.2042 Root (stele) 33.231375 27.0962 40.1172 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 33.5093 33.5093 33.5093 Secondary root 48.2676 48.2676 48.2676 Root, root hairs removed 24.4686 24.4686 24.4686 Root (maturation zone) 25.2337 25.2337 25.2337