condition mean min max Egg cell 98.40013333333333 62.9505 137.35 Ovary 0.5998366666666667 0.43262 0.746728 Ovule 50.36755 11.4145 115.411 Microspore 5.0764438 0.261599 16.1252 Bicellular microspore 0.280948 0.280948 0.280948 Pollen (mature) 0.25933315945945945 0.0204516 0.720424 Pollen tube 0.20076633333333332 0.134827 0.28194 Sperm cell 21.073788285714286 0.716775 49.106 Pollen tube 0.20076633333333332 0.134827 0.28194 Tassels (primordia) 15.9895 14.2598 19.2854 Tassels (anther) 40.79330769230769 15.7132 57.8838 Tassels 17.9564685 0.464548 42.0418 Silk 12.83012 1.22784 24.4324 Ear 10.898342 1.40415 34.0571 Ear (immature) 4.194293333333333 2.91354 4.985 Ear (inflorescence) 4.50581 3.29473 5.71689 Ear (primordia) 15.054075000000001 2.24675 20.9903 Zygote (12 HAP) 63.077 57.4639 71.1296 Zygote (24 HAP) 45.18396666666666 36.1842 53.1912 Daughter cell (apical) 168.70766666666665 128.301 195.343 Daughter cell (basal) 105.27703333333334 98.6251 114.94 Embryo 24.558996666666665 8.04407 45.1392 Nucellus 48.9527 47.0447 50.8607 Endopserm 15.146982857142858 4.86773 25.7876 Kernel 21.51907 7.40774 36.4081 Kernel (germinating) 22.02225 14.6607 29.3838 Seeds 29.755632727272726 1.0631 52.5782 Embryo Sac 36.41865 32.6212 40.2161 Pericarp and aleurone 21.9638 21.9638 21.9638 Coleoptile (5 day) 17.215866666666667 10.1579 20.8302 Seedling 13.45635347826087 2.30502 27.1185 Internode 33.85393142857143 4.12412 46.381 Sheath 18.7397 17.5865 19.8929 Shoot (apex) 15.19167408 4.90477 32.0724 Shoot 7.243013333333333 1.89794 15.7241 Whole plant 8.977500000000001 5.44756 11.2604 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 5.275745 4.9323 5.61919 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 8.683436666666665 6.94475 9.83776 Apical meristem 9.50411 9.50411 9.50411 Stem and meristem 22.04645 20.7081 23.3848 Stems 28.3313 16.2213 39.4422 Stem (Internode) 37.666533333333334 32.2456 42.0094 Leaf 7.511458369369369 0.5775 57.7608 Leaf (apex) 7.96598 6.86736 9.0646 Leaf (bundle sheath) 6.00084 1.46128 10.5404 Leaf (mesophyll) 5.057453333333333 2.99042 7.31448 Leaf (seedlings) 2.6668138666666668 0.948738 5.92763 Leaf and kernel 2.9779533333333332 2.12087 4.051 Ear (leaf) 6.09227 6.09227 6.09227 Root 25.7982453125 5.38899 55.9139 Root (elongation zone) 28.511895 9.0387 50.0314 Root (meristematic zone) 23.8066 22.4439 25.1693 Root (stele) 49.092025 36.7133 55.8458 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 35.0018 35.0018 35.0018 Secondary root 7.72312 7.72312 7.72312 Root, root hairs removed 29.1083 29.1083 29.1083 Root (maturation zone) 5.9573 5.9573 5.9573