condition mean min max Egg cell 4.9465 3.81278 6.88652 Ovary 1.8377533333333333 1.2069 2.40571 Ovule 9.789792499999999 3.67204 19.88 Microspore 8.6123728 0.685174 22.5068 Bicellular microspore 1.39246 1.39246 1.39246 Pollen (mature) 4.9289581621621625 0.87128 18.8054 Pollen tube 6.300116666666667 4.7369 8.66449 Sperm cell 70.86077142857143 19.505 160.902 Pollen tube 6.300116666666667 4.7369 8.66449 Tassels (primordia) 29.541575 23.2588 38.1673 Tassels (anther) 24.422538461538462 14.7348 33.5672 Tassels 20.3149275 1.03262 34.7728 Silk 9.660754999999998 2.09671 17.2248 Ear 14.915335 2.82217 39.2198 Ear (immature) 7.90141 5.49815 8.81456 Ear (inflorescence) 18.1505 13.2059 23.0951 Ear (primordia) 21.09121 1.06396 30.6936 Zygote (12 HAP) 8.265453333333333 4.30911 13.7256 Zygote (24 HAP) 6.06371 4.58408 7.02391 Daughter cell (apical) 8.165456666666667 5.73294 10.9869 Daughter cell (basal) 5.596216666666667 3.91504 7.00093 Embryo 17.44294 4.52972 25.8207 Nucellus 20.98485 20.8127 21.157 Endopserm 11.90562 6.58779 18.7729 Kernel 14.63757 1.53461 22.9421 Kernel (germinating) 19.7332 13.1665 26.2999 Seeds 20.51959 2.13846 34.6131 Embryo Sac 14.805715 7.46513 22.1463 Pericarp and aleurone 8.08417 8.08417 8.08417 Coleoptile (5 day) 16.3723 10.8392 19.3924 Seedling 22.618607391304348 5.05272 36.7254 Internode 26.52604285714286 12.3552 36.1189 Sheath 28.470950000000002 27.3288 29.6131 Shoot (apex) 25.31817488 6.34359 42.5666 Shoot 8.670216666666667 3.5836 18.663 Whole plant 19.0080275 7.02171 24.6768 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 8.034525 7.53254 8.53651 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 5.407443333333333 4.43636 6.67537 Apical meristem 25.8226 25.8226 25.8226 Stem and meristem 24.5551 24.1698 24.9404 Stems 31.3694 25.0664 36.2746 Stem (Internode) 28.341833333333334 27.1102 29.7293 Leaf 13.636670630630631 1.52405 35.9797 Leaf (apex) 13.61985 11.5615 15.6782 Leaf (bundle sheath) 10.28484 3.21178 17.3579 Leaf (mesophyll) 11.036 10.1354 12.2794 Leaf (seedlings) 8.763944 1.5473 16.9529 Leaf and kernel 7.0518600000000005 4.8444 8.07333 Ear (leaf) 9.50802 9.50802 9.50802 Root 24.942654791666666 3.4564 52.7945 Root (elongation zone) 22.684604999999998 6.6055 40.1744 Root (meristematic zone) 22.621299999999998 21.9646 23.278 Root (stele) 46.49965 32.8616 52.5719 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 30.2006 30.2006 30.2006 Secondary root 10.0891 10.0891 10.0891 Root, root hairs removed 20.3341 20.3341 20.3341 Root (maturation zone) 9.21168 9.21168 9.21168