condition mean min max Egg cell 10.609073333333333 3.76692 21.999 Ovary 3.5445 2.67488 4.17358 Ovule 12.8935975 7.26541 23.2072 Microspore 5.2096164 0.205717 22.2406 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 0.3020831243243243 0.0 0.968757 Pollen tube 0.2383685 0.212556 0.270206 Sperm cell 1.2549487142857143 0.176761 2.10879 Pollen tube 0.2383685 0.212556 0.270206 Tassels (primordia) 19.352725 16.6449 22.4359 Tassels (anther) 24.00186923076923 16.8493 28.395 Tassels 15.8700625 2.48557 29.754 Silk 14.8756 10.1772 19.574 Ear 18.144026 8.54216 28.8939 Ear (immature) 8.082791666666667 7.15573 8.96002 Ear (inflorescence) 16.40925 13.4176 19.4009 Ear (primordia) 15.851781666666668 4.12849 21.1389 Zygote (12 HAP) 30.5094 25.0943 34.0963 Zygote (24 HAP) 59.2776 44.3242 82.9872 Daughter cell (apical) 21.598533333333332 20.4053 22.8277 Daughter cell (basal) 21.636666666666667 12.6624 26.7488 Embryo 14.123305555555556 2.24461 20.4941 Nucellus 22.199150000000003 19.4462 24.9521 Endopserm 14.071325714285715 5.44613 22.7902 Kernel 22.935366666666667 14.238 38.2215 Kernel (germinating) 23.2289 15.1708 31.287 Seeds 35.19135757575758 11.8213 59.866 Embryo Sac 25.57795 19.8352 31.3207 Pericarp and aleurone 10.1712 10.1712 10.1712 Coleoptile (5 day) 29.4975 25.7913 32.1316 Seedling 18.648753043478262 3.71603 31.2103 Internode 27.30137142857143 21.4746 30.8143 Sheath 41.24515 40.3316 42.1587 Shoot (apex) 30.5680704 14.1242 55.8147 Shoot 12.003524166666667 4.92897 22.5985 Whole plant 16.70985 11.977 20.631 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 14.89425 10.5726 19.2159 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 30.011433333333333 28.1402 31.7651 Apical meristem 16.5354 16.5354 16.5354 Stem and meristem 27.6141 26.3414 28.8868 Stems 31.8823375 26.3832 38.5103 Stem (Internode) 32.9581 25.8009 44.5895 Leaf 12.55508891891892 2.57173 26.2832 Leaf (apex) 15.276 14.5981 15.9539 Leaf (bundle sheath) 10.497834999999998 3.73427 17.2614 Leaf (mesophyll) 7.681553333333333 5.42655 10.3342 Leaf (seedlings) 4.313897933333333 0.862608 10.8934 Leaf and kernel 6.044318333333333 4.9345 8.13443 Ear (leaf) 7.61943 7.61943 7.61943 Root 30.885558333333332 10.0795 48.6966 Root (elongation zone) 42.949775 21.5595 63.3284 Root (meristematic zone) 16.19235 15.7824 16.6023 Root (stele) 46.4583 44.8203 48.9278 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 30.7921 30.7921 30.7921 Secondary root 19.0146 19.0146 19.0146 Root, root hairs removed 30.707 30.707 30.707 Root (maturation zone) 7.17678 7.17678 7.17678