condition mean min max Egg cell 0.980908 0.484664 1.41196 Ovary 1.4816966666666667 1.08251 1.76122 Ovule 8.0137325 4.58276 15.629 Microspore 0.49612148 0.0349714 1.04394 Bicellular microspore 0.0751161 0.0751161 0.0751161 Pollen (mature) 0.06790146756756757 0.0 1.0615 Pollen tube 0.012092543333333334 0.00490149 0.0224973 Sperm cell 0.08041901428571428 0.0 0.475978 Pollen tube 0.012092543333333334 0.00490149 0.0224973 Tassels (primordia) 24.33495 20.698 27.2811 Tassels (anther) 16.399828461538462 9.50008 38.1024 Tassels 11.64186625 1.64299 25.0779 Silk 9.295910000000001 1.89872 16.6931 Ear 10.073003 3.16972 24.6622 Ear (immature) 7.207978333333333 4.66252 8.22542 Ear (inflorescence) 8.93762 6.20864 11.6666 Ear (primordia) 21.352686666666667 3.75042 28.6521 Zygote (12 HAP) 2.647813333333333 2.1502 3.45826 Zygote (24 HAP) 1.2949896666666667 0.523359 1.90559 Daughter cell (apical) 2.8308383333333333 0.978415 4.29108 Daughter cell (basal) 0.820137 0.122451 1.24434 Embryo 12.59512 2.35612 26.9492 Nucellus 19.7579 18.8201 20.6957 Endopserm 6.475985714285714 2.03004 15.5431 Kernel 14.182184166666667 5.57894 22.9784 Kernel (germinating) 11.991235 9.57277 14.4097 Seeds 19.726603030303032 2.5013 37.8477 Embryo Sac 8.794875000000001 6.79565 10.7941 Pericarp and aleurone 8.83778 8.83778 8.83778 Coleoptile (5 day) 16.36863333333333 13.172 18.2154 Seedling 8.740218260869565 1.40513 23.5021 Internode 7.457387142857143 4.25115 11.4804 Sheath 18.64845 16.0164 21.2805 Shoot (apex) 19.78022904 5.84952 48.4827 Shoot 7.180040833333333 3.9042 17.0544 Whole plant 17.764945 7.59088 24.9937 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 6.909940000000001 6.66575 7.15413 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 12.032786666666667 8.91136 14.2167 Apical meristem 16.4953 16.4953 16.4953 Stem and meristem 21.12105 19.9033 22.3388 Stems 9.3589325 2.29123 19.1116 Stem (Internode) 9.556189999999999 5.77996 16.3722 Leaf 5.575073810810811 0.324455 41.6381 Leaf (apex) 14.200099999999999 14.0443 14.3559 Leaf (bundle sheath) 1.874047 0.301904 3.44619 Leaf (mesophyll) 1.382322 0.651476 2.26444 Leaf (seedlings) 1.0997585333333333 0.154 3.10578 Leaf and kernel 1.5224816666666667 0.99615 2.05034 Ear (leaf) 1.03349 1.03349 1.03349 Root 18.826575520833334 6.65434 34.2059 Root (elongation zone) 12.91342 6.07125 21.4216 Root (meristematic zone) 15.736049999999999 15.1909 16.2812 Root (stele) 22.32375 20.9464 25.7479 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 15.8485 15.8485 15.8485 Secondary root 9.80322 9.80322 9.80322 Root, root hairs removed 19.833 19.833 19.833 Root (maturation zone) 8.85744 8.85744 8.85744