condition mean min max Egg cell 14.918806666666667 7.43562 26.1178 Ovary 2.14362 1.44352 2.67104 Ovule 13.2933575 7.38483 17.7814 Microspore 8.8249704 0.811462 22.6793 Bicellular microspore 0.402222 0.402222 0.402222 Pollen (mature) 4.196720135135135 0.693365 11.9955 Pollen tube 3.5377566666666667 2.75529 3.87548 Sperm cell 1.457290057142857 0.0 4.00829 Pollen tube 3.5377566666666667 2.75529 3.87548 Tassels (primordia) 26.153175 22.6431 29.5007 Tassels (anther) 18.065084615384617 11.7465 26.4436 Tassels 20.78137 1.2167 39.641 Silk 14.33795 13.3026 15.3733 Ear 18.752833 6.60789 30.9086 Ear (immature) 15.144883333333333 12.9927 16.8021 Ear (inflorescence) 10.10469 6.27268 13.9367 Ear (primordia) 21.893935 1.18131 29.3456 Zygote (12 HAP) 4.642069666666666 0.466769 9.7755 Zygote (24 HAP) 5.40276 3.67335 7.50707 Daughter cell (apical) 18.878700000000002 13.5955 22.6228 Daughter cell (basal) 25.489033333333335 18.8691 30.9673 Embryo 26.212155555555555 14.566 45.8418 Nucellus 40.786 35.3715 46.2005 Endopserm 15.615721428571428 5.60182 42.8262 Kernel 17.175586666666668 8.72634 26.2926 Kernel (germinating) 33.2907 32.7523 33.8291 Seeds 24.042366363636365 3.044 35.1697 Embryo Sac 13.29225 10.7144 15.8701 Pericarp and aleurone 5.7101 5.7101 5.7101 Coleoptile (5 day) 32.91846666666667 27.6618 38.198 Seedling 14.636506956521739 3.696 46.5256 Internode 24.516914285714286 18.5262 30.6071 Sheath 25.826549999999997 23.1393 28.5138 Shoot (apex) 27.3975488 11.4086 44.8733 Shoot 13.385584166666666 6.4075 20.9977 Whole plant 13.6136625 5.99705 18.7169 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 20.9801 20.1582 21.802 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 46.60316666666667 34.3469 62.3405 Apical meristem 30.5405 30.5405 30.5405 Stem and meristem 30.8369 23.7687 37.9051 Stems 30.748825 22.9172 43.6329 Stem (Internode) 26.090833333333332 23.3402 30.685 Leaf 11.82895927927928 1.88755 37.5352 Leaf (apex) 26.3637 25.9023 26.8251 Leaf (bundle sheath) 11.64095 10.175 13.1069 Leaf (mesophyll) 8.924936666666667 6.59188 11.6546 Leaf (seedlings) 4.857279066666667 0.549746 12.5231 Leaf and kernel 7.0945833333333335 6.25618 8.70011 Ear (leaf) 7.94008 7.94008 7.94008 Root 19.512795208333333 4.87697 41.3147 Root (elongation zone) 17.62348 9.12512 26.0539 Root (meristematic zone) 49.354600000000005 48.9542 49.755 Root (stele) 26.2687 17.3447 33.8643 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 20.5904 20.5904 20.5904 Secondary root 9.57055 9.57055 9.57055 Root, root hairs removed 14.7569 14.7569 14.7569 Root (maturation zone) 17.8898 17.8898 17.8898