condition mean min max Egg cell 6.847096666666666 5.50647 9.20279 Ovary 3.5972566666666665 2.1351 4.62813 Ovule 14.3696075 6.14968 30.4813 Microspore 13.251754 2.34109 29.6976 Bicellular microspore 6.97979 6.97979 6.97979 Pollen (mature) 331.92772432432434 75.6418 572.914 Pollen tube 226.3575 203.212 266.152 Sperm cell 80.09263285714286 2.42203 450.84 Pollen tube 226.3575 203.212 266.152 Tassels (primordia) 41.091175 35.6741 51.1526 Tassels (anther) 17.411256153846153 7.61983 27.4994 Tassels 107.0325875 6.4046 307.003 Silk 9.910225 1.14495 18.6755 Ear 30.297977 3.52727 71.5413 Ear (immature) 22.180316666666666 10.9559 28.908 Ear (inflorescence) 23.5223 16.7539 30.2907 Ear (primordia) 48.15745166666667 8.39341 67.8273 Zygote (12 HAP) 14.9514 11.6724 17.5079 Zygote (24 HAP) 13.6725 10.0713 15.4985 Daughter cell (apical) 10.60619 8.91477 12.4345 Daughter cell (basal) 6.50173 5.30269 7.58739 Embryo 15.585720555555556 0.486815 25.5325 Nucellus 55.0454 54.7075 55.3833 Endopserm 7.22988 1.20157 21.322 Kernel 13.9183425 5.44657 23.4731 Kernel (germinating) 4.552989999999999 4.4471 4.65888 Seeds 20.78584303030303 2.91158 55.2495 Embryo Sac 9.99151 8.98742 10.9956 Pericarp and aleurone 4.74335 4.74335 4.74335 Coleoptile (5 day) 18.788533333333334 15.1565 21.9688 Seedling 7.536842173913043 1.9438 16.7212 Internode 76.24967714285714 5.67184 149.899 Sheath 10.197515 8.60123 11.7938 Shoot (apex) 29.6473288 13.2652 66.4479 Shoot 4.691026666666667 2.10198 10.9334 Whole plant 9.144195 3.44985 12.3088 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 24.307699999999997 22.705 25.9104 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 13.859 11.7574 16.5771 Apical meristem 29.1993 29.1993 29.1993 Stem and meristem 23.9085 22.5877 25.2293 Stems 66.17914999999999 23.9195 116.524 Stem (Internode) 94.25203333333333 68.5283 136.088 Leaf 4.2224468441441445 0.0519607 20.0295 Leaf (apex) 26.595750000000002 21.7801 31.4114 Leaf (bundle sheath) 2.5156300000000003 1.199 3.83226 Leaf (mesophyll) 3.10394 2.29023 3.82718 Leaf (seedlings) 1.5888556 0.223606 3.23514 Leaf and kernel 1.414009 0.726434 2.09824 Ear (leaf) 2.68983 2.68983 2.68983 Root 9.967849875 0.705208 22.7369 Root (elongation zone) 6.0912825 2.17376 9.8352 Root (meristematic zone) 12.03245 11.3657 12.6992 Root (stele) 12.473 11.9251 13.2039 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 8.75372 8.75372 8.75372 Secondary root 1.01959 1.01959 1.01959 Root, root hairs removed 7.52818 7.52818 7.52818 Root (maturation zone) 5.57237 5.57237 5.57237