condition mean min max Egg cell 10.804030000000001 4.84549 21.2279 Ovary 24.260566666666666 16.7751 30.5542 Ovule 535.6625 196.632 773.906 Microspore 0.24320400000000003 0.0 1.21602 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 0.34297305405405404 0.0 1.91607 Pollen tube 0.15231121666666667 0.0 0.251324 Sperm cell 0.018255428571428572 0.0 0.127788 Pollen tube 0.15231121666666667 0.0 0.251324 Tassels (primordia) 228.356 174.573 277.238 Tassels (anther) 88.21383846153846 44.5464 168.72 Tassels 139.4571125 47.6519 228.06 Silk 351.59749999999997 310.592 392.603 Ear 449.2556 172.02 1391.0 Ear (immature) 228.93866666666668 195.95 266.814 Ear (inflorescence) 355.27700000000004 346.841 363.713 Ear (primordia) 269.8478333333333 81.861 523.827 Zygote (12 HAP) 104.16436666666667 59.9992 161.432 Zygote (24 HAP) 136.1413 61.9889 233.697 Daughter cell (apical) 380.84706666666665 64.7802 778.171 Daughter cell (basal) 174.13963333333334 10.2199 378.445 Embryo 271.60755555555556 141.292 432.353 Nucellus 83.94130000000001 81.8777 86.0049 Endopserm 23.63973857142857 4.36334 77.1258 Kernel 153.75023333333334 14.4819 460.428 Kernel (germinating) 601.1995 417.572 784.827 Seeds 213.09737575757578 32.0952 1097.68 Embryo Sac 621.241 523.436 719.046 Pericarp and aleurone 40.7826 40.7826 40.7826 Coleoptile (5 day) 620.6136666666666 514.499 738.322 Seedling 1017.780652173913 193.801 1867.26 Internode 536.5304285714286 403.934 730.655 Sheath 666.194 465.611 866.777 Shoot (apex) 512.137032 166.632 899.549 Shoot 533.406 176.637 833.288 Whole plant 967.26225 749.611 1248.57 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 483.4565 371.4 595.513 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 354.91433333333333 270.446 416.866 Apical meristem 137.472 137.472 137.472 Stem and meristem 420.7335 409.224 432.243 Stems 549.279625 451.21 796.993 Stem (Internode) 489.04200000000003 416.473 549.451 Leaf 918.3521603603604 91.1161 2643.96 Leaf (apex) 395.5105 333.17 457.851 Leaf (bundle sheath) 580.2305 446.62 713.841 Leaf (mesophyll) 552.0143333333333 466.206 697.967 Leaf (seedlings) 547.7312133333334 81.0618 1501.74 Leaf and kernel 1805.7883333333334 1107.73 2314.64 Ear (leaf) 1174.45 1174.45 1174.45 Root 676.9507291666666 204.699 1598.44 Root (elongation zone) 526.2245 335.348 731.983 Root (meristematic zone) 209.312 205.807 212.817 Root (stele) 848.6374999999999 820.804 914.16 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 639.55 639.55 639.55 Secondary root 514.552 514.552 514.552 Root, root hairs removed 499.882 499.882 499.882 Root (maturation zone) 178.8 178.8 178.8