condition mean min max Egg cell 25.507833333333334 17.9799 39.0216 Ovary 15.460466666666667 11.3221 18.1271 Ovule 185.542225 98.2139 357.633 Microspore 16.5895504 0.708712 45.9735 Bicellular microspore 0.834719 0.834719 0.834719 Pollen (mature) 5.380465135135135 1.53857 12.5596 Pollen tube 2.2636716666666667 2.06536 2.56142 Sperm cell 0.8648027142857143 0.178902 1.99592 Pollen tube 2.2636716666666667 2.06536 2.56142 Tassels (primordia) 101.13409999999999 83.4305 123.526 Tassels (anther) 111.70639230769231 52.4784 158.892 Tassels 127.658 20.8742 204.648 Silk 33.5107 16.8023 50.2191 Ear 81.61713 37.7245 183.819 Ear (immature) 41.590383333333335 36.3861 48.6254 Ear (inflorescence) 131.966 126.962 136.97 Ear (primordia) 70.9203 28.91 114.582 Zygote (12 HAP) 13.371616666666666 9.99915 16.1568 Zygote (24 HAP) 19.720466666666667 18.3624 20.6283 Daughter cell (apical) 43.828266666666664 38.6702 50.8444 Daughter cell (basal) 68.38573333333333 64.4518 73.0341 Embryo 38.83796777777778 2.42411 74.9697 Nucellus 41.313500000000005 39.4898 43.1372 Endopserm 18.156270714285714 2.11339 64.4874 Kernel 32.899483333333336 10.2 69.212 Kernel (germinating) 135.93545 99.1619 172.709 Seeds 101.99394484848484 9.64618 227.297 Embryo Sac 159.844 138.73 180.958 Pericarp and aleurone 23.3665 23.3665 23.3665 Coleoptile (5 day) 46.48186666666667 45.0439 47.2631 Seedling 84.9271652173913 11.346 208.39 Internode 124.11415714285714 90.2141 159.169 Sheath 126.862 124.304 129.42 Shoot (apex) 128.3495 22.6026 271.424 Shoot 37.73625583333333 7.13569 98.7276 Whole plant 45.6025 19.0036 65.7729 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 31.104950000000002 29.8636 32.3463 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 23.6828 20.2322 27.2104 Apical meristem 65.9592 65.9592 65.9592 Stem and meristem 127.763 122.037 133.489 Stems 146.0553375 99.5727 231.239 Stem (Internode) 114.48766666666667 105.528 121.529 Leaf 37.83414495495496 1.73384 190.544 Leaf (apex) 55.46625 52.4372 58.4953 Leaf (bundle sheath) 46.199490000000004 5.04228 87.3567 Leaf (mesophyll) 19.556633333333334 5.76485 45.304 Leaf (seedlings) 9.537226 1.10952 32.5203 Leaf and kernel 7.941643333333333 3.88535 11.5843 Ear (leaf) 19.663 19.663 19.663 Root 170.05276458333333 16.3896 488.271 Root (elongation zone) 178.546625 62.7689 277.44 Root (meristematic zone) 160.897 157.519 164.275 Root (stele) 478.875 245.145 713.961 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 279.852 279.852 279.852 Secondary root 218.012 218.012 218.012 Root, root hairs removed 227.753 227.753 227.753 Root (maturation zone) 48.7699 48.7699 48.7699