condition mean min max Egg cell 7.08864 2.26597 13.7744 Ovary 3.6920699999999997 2.56825 4.36992 Ovule 7.2565225 2.77057 16.0978 Microspore 3.2912378 0.310089 6.1454 Bicellular microspore 0.362164 0.362164 0.362164 Pollen (mature) 0.07255856486486487 0.0 1.14996 Pollen tube 0.006192779999999999 0.0 0.0241546 Sperm cell 0.03535690285714285 0.0 0.158267 Pollen tube 0.006192779999999999 0.0 0.0241546 Tassels (primordia) 27.537200000000002 24.5711 35.2229 Tassels (anther) 12.903678461538462 6.08855 16.798 Tassels 7.91214375 1.22512 23.2724 Silk 1.063961 0.778852 1.34907 Ear 11.615628000000001 4.79958 24.8652 Ear (immature) 9.639708333333333 7.18447 11.4878 Ear (inflorescence) 15.57735 11.5686 19.5861 Ear (primordia) 21.203258333333334 8.92845 31.2834 Zygote (12 HAP) 7.386056666666667 5.85076 8.15445 Zygote (24 HAP) 12.580766666666667 10.3185 13.8493 Daughter cell (apical) 9.580503333333333 8.78935 10.5809 Daughter cell (basal) 7.734796666666666 4.43292 9.64518 Embryo 14.187587777777777 2.53547 23.3015 Nucellus 22.43665 21.3016 23.5717 Endopserm 3.598632142857143 0.281599 12.1656 Kernel 6.919616666666667 2.40484 17.4694 Kernel (germinating) 6.384785 6.26133 6.50824 Seeds 9.674514848484849 1.24707 19.1669 Embryo Sac 10.811365 5.22223 16.4005 Pericarp and aleurone 3.63324 3.63324 3.63324 Coleoptile (5 day) 7.235526666666667 5.77034 8.00276 Seedling 3.8309615217391304 0.296535 8.02087 Internode 10.922778571428571 7.21658 13.2443 Sheath 10.138385 8.56487 11.7119 Shoot (apex) 13.30438944 3.6762 24.9934 Shoot 2.6314718333333333 0.967242 7.04697 Whole plant 3.6767950000000003 2.87892 5.13084 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 8.919035000000001 8.85753 8.98054 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 29.54866666666667 26.5421 32.9575 Apical meristem 23.6423 23.6423 23.6423 Stem and meristem 13.1281 12.7979 13.4583 Stems 14.36258625 6.44915 22.4209 Stem (Internode) 11.32018 7.98914 13.6321 Leaf 3.727886781081081 0.0597557 20.2201 Leaf (apex) 19.18945 15.5768 22.8021 Leaf (bundle sheath) 1.738901 0.200772 3.27703 Leaf (mesophyll) 0.929455 0.216622 2.10393 Leaf (seedlings) 0.5897709333333333 0.0 1.43356 Leaf and kernel 0.4723935 0.258583 1.06388 Ear (leaf) 1.58376 1.58376 1.58376 Root 6.14919278125 0.853927 19.7964 Root (elongation zone) 1.588767 0.805748 2.1892 Root (meristematic zone) 12.731100000000001 12.6165 12.8457 Root (stele) 7.0573475 5.46594 9.21148 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 5.59241 5.59241 5.59241 Secondary root 3.908 3.908 3.908 Root, root hairs removed 6.39103 6.39103 6.39103 Root (maturation zone) 7.19934 7.19934 7.19934