condition mean min max Egg cell 2.66454 1.81475 4.18668 Ovary 2.5647366666666667 1.68082 3.16771 Ovule 6.92195 3.22959 16.4925 Microspore 1.78917924 0.0 8.85548 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 0.01785741081081081 0.0 0.272818 Pollen tube 0.0035571833333333334 0.0 0.0213431 Sperm cell 0.01606482857142857 0.0 0.0797655 Pollen tube 0.0035571833333333334 0.0 0.0213431 Tassels (primordia) 17.02505 7.082 26.2434 Tassels (anther) 168.0480076923077 10.5241 330.4 Tassels 59.94781625 4.30227 186.823 Silk 3.664845 3.32855 4.00114 Ear 14.04309 3.01598 31.2895 Ear (immature) 16.80525 10.6431 19.5256 Ear (inflorescence) 9.875705 8.45761 11.2938 Ear (primordia) 8.87928 2.89405 13.8298 Zygote (12 HAP) 6.702343333333333 3.10293 8.98708 Zygote (24 HAP) 3.2817766666666666 2.26694 5.18216 Daughter cell (apical) 1.4359833333333334 1.14274 2.01385 Daughter cell (basal) 1.0988196666666665 0.140173 2.58696 Embryo 6.893196666666667 2.678 14.893 Nucellus 4.72896 4.27729 5.18063 Endopserm 3.182749142857143 0.834751 7.82829 Kernel 9.6013725 4.67382 20.6719 Kernel (germinating) 7.09445 3.6657 10.5232 Seeds 22.55919727272727 2.14649 59.5766 Embryo Sac 8.824965 6.00153 11.6484 Pericarp and aleurone 8.35561 8.35561 8.35561 Coleoptile (5 day) 27.0497 26.481 27.6455 Seedling 42.080065652173914 4.90273 130.156 Internode 31.737902857142856 6.69042 59.696 Sheath 59.00295 55.8984 62.1075 Shoot (apex) 27.67518312 3.4672 62.2884 Shoot 29.940262416666666 0.608759 50.8619 Whole plant 36.14575 24.1166 46.0418 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 11.24316 9.97542 12.5109 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 11.363246666666667 8.42994 13.6005 Apical meristem 8.52281 8.52281 8.52281 Stem and meristem 32.44325 26.9493 37.9372 Stems 31.7926875 23.4765 39.1479 Stem (Internode) 35.4441 22.4976 53.3884 Leaf 7.015938185585585 0.0864744 71.6134 Leaf (apex) 13.625599999999999 12.2844 14.9668 Leaf (bundle sheath) 35.375629999999994 2.17056 68.5807 Leaf (mesophyll) 25.823059999999998 2.04998 62.7647 Leaf (seedlings) 2.1805759133333336 0.0 8.9426 Leaf and kernel 3.510435333333333 0.813222 6.08817 Ear (leaf) 0.177447 0.177447 0.177447 Root 15.066797239583334 0.118272 57.2303 Root (elongation zone) 2.8155900000000003 1.35002 7.15873 Root (meristematic zone) 0.12436730000000001 0.0967226 0.152012 Root (stele) 42.106275 29.4932 50.2788 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 13.4606 13.4606 13.4606 Secondary root 9.18873 9.18873 9.18873 Root, root hairs removed 16.252 16.252 16.252 Root (maturation zone) 0.255278 0.255278 0.255278