condition mean min max Egg cell 1.6109099999999998 0.0 4.83273 Ovary 6.912266666666667 3.25559 8.84634 Ovule 2.1632395 0.252102 6.66607 Microspore 0.06851412 0.0 0.332504 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 13.486614354054055 0.0878591 47.9161 Pollen tube 33.86665 28.0034 40.4537 Sperm cell 1.8939698571428571 0.356596 7.37256 Pollen tube 33.86665 28.0034 40.4537 Tassels (primordia) 15.6203275 9.75941 18.4678 Tassels (anther) 58.82494538461538 7.46348 205.338 Tassels 29.5045 13.8593 58.149 Silk 1.4992915 0.178153 2.82043 Ear 9.43757 0.92317 30.0782 Ear (immature) 19.670333333333332 14.4255 31.5824 Ear (inflorescence) 10.43985 10.2578 10.6219 Ear (primordia) 11.519506666666667 2.25236 48.9368 Zygote (12 HAP) 17.305333333333333 12.0995 20.8768 Zygote (24 HAP) 9.397263333333333 6.29399 11.8637 Daughter cell (apical) 0.5952123333333333 0.280329 1.18945 Daughter cell (basal) 0.49321766666666667 0.122808 1.22193 Embryo 6.405705444444445 0.0 26.7433 Nucellus 14.2133 14.0473 14.3793 Endopserm 7.6344078571428575 1.80751 18.8403 Kernel 16.812294166666668 0.277577 51.4433 Kernel (germinating) 16.0595 13.5001 18.6189 Seeds 4.143395909090909 0.485268 15.6056 Embryo Sac 1.117343 0.844386 1.3903 Pericarp and aleurone 14.6836 14.6836 14.6836 Coleoptile (5 day) 9.273746666666668 8.4924 10.5905 Seedling 33.7832047826087 1.62395 84.956 Internode 17.24000857142857 9.80716 23.0908 Sheath 22.53235 18.3939 26.6708 Shoot (apex) 47.29395728 3.12175 153.183 Shoot 25.210225 11.484 67.6169 Whole plant 20.69825 16.7641 28.7066 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 7.3032 6.91946 7.68694 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 0.4475996666666667 0.267477 0.777432 Apical meristem 6.26077 6.26077 6.26077 Stem and meristem 15.5824 15.4978 15.667 Stems 10.4253045 0.400097 23.9378 Stem (Internode) 20.18306666666667 17.9848 22.2175 Leaf 34.35551600900901 0.183669 802.973 Leaf (apex) 9.686185 8.00207 11.3703 Leaf (bundle sheath) 27.19795 25.1817 29.2142 Leaf (mesophyll) 18.5157 12.2711 21.7442 Leaf (seedlings) 14.046466666666667 1.94006 32.4277 Leaf and kernel 24.391533333333335 17.5726 34.9693 Ear (leaf) 21.8852 21.8852 21.8852 Root 66.43887583333333 7.02761 296.414 Root (elongation zone) 13.54185 10.4027 19.4973 Root (meristematic zone) 4.06188 3.60428 4.51948 Root (stele) 46.902275 13.2906 86.115 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 77.3675 77.3675 77.3675 Secondary root 75.8741 75.8741 75.8741 Root, root hairs removed 96.6598 96.6598 96.6598 Root (maturation zone) 6.75432 6.75432 6.75432