condition mean min max Egg cell 0.3888043333333333 0.0 0.98217 Ovary 1.2459143333333333 0.798973 1.52347 Ovule 5.82232 3.25329 9.82938 Microspore 1.01977282 0.0406751 3.24682 Bicellular microspore 0.163814 0.163814 0.163814 Pollen (mature) 0.05503507837837838 0.0 0.507791 Pollen tube 0.04862088333333334 0.0189985 0.0844913 Sperm cell 1.0580785714285714 0.0 2.63257 Pollen tube 0.04862088333333334 0.0189985 0.0844913 Tassels (primordia) 13.96555 12.2268 15.621 Tassels (anther) 13.95173 7.1819 21.418 Tassels 6.6986825 1.30362 12.8631 Silk 5.1278500000000005 1.54794 8.70776 Ear 11.123633 2.84596 28.4573 Ear (immature) 5.658035 4.63778 7.71017 Ear (inflorescence) 7.116375 5.5279 8.70485 Ear (primordia) 9.163493333333333 2.59212 15.0065 Zygote (12 HAP) 7.7997733333333334 4.00097 13.8901 Zygote (24 HAP) 5.401806666666666 2.44609 7.69887 Daughter cell (apical) 3.231883333333333 0.0 8.43126 Daughter cell (basal) 1.4317103333333332 0.500091 2.13345 Embryo 13.875033333333333 4.11047 24.0961 Nucellus 17.6145 12.919 22.31 Endopserm 4.125096428571428 2.30319 6.6942 Kernel 12.257303333333333 4.45335 43.741 Kernel (germinating) 9.137065 5.06483 13.2093 Seeds 14.607569999999999 2.40968 31.6707 Embryo Sac 10.70528 8.62466 12.7859 Pericarp and aleurone 7.90054 7.90054 7.90054 Coleoptile (5 day) 9.046013333333333 7.16333 10.2034 Seedling 11.798299565217391 4.45735 24.6963 Internode 14.446322857142857 8.89296 19.3276 Sheath 17.00115 15.4112 18.5911 Shoot (apex) 18.67786552 1.12792 44.0008 Shoot 3.7235825 1.16976 8.69572 Whole plant 16.556375 12.0564 21.2554 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 11.538315 9.57793 13.4987 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 11.529223333333334 7.84687 13.6337 Apical meristem 10.0576 10.0576 10.0576 Stem and meristem 15.9528 15.0864 16.8192 Stems 16.3102375 11.5783 20.3749 Stem (Internode) 17.3779 14.941 19.7546 Leaf 9.537732279279279 0.363839 45.1462 Leaf (apex) 13.12815 12.4317 13.8246 Leaf (bundle sheath) 4.016135 1.62697 6.4053 Leaf (mesophyll) 3.58284 2.09959 5.64461 Leaf (seedlings) 4.007507666666666 0.279374 17.1209 Leaf and kernel 3.2960133333333332 2.47869 4.44862 Ear (leaf) 9.72902 9.72902 9.72902 Root 13.2905178125 4.17127 26.9717 Root (elongation zone) 11.5903675 6.05435 17.3559 Root (meristematic zone) 15.9682 15.6091 16.3273 Root (stele) 21.314175 17.8844 25.665 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 12.1432 12.1432 12.1432 Secondary root 4.86636 4.86636 4.86636 Root, root hairs removed 14.0375 14.0375 14.0375 Root (maturation zone) 8.1332 8.1332 8.1332