condition mean min max Egg cell 189.49133333333333 142.341 258.757 Ovary 16.0969 11.8079 18.4942 Ovule 238.5505 130.315 413.028 Microspore 8.924987 0.693875 22.8676 Bicellular microspore 1.12555 1.12555 1.12555 Pollen (mature) 7.4428468648648645 0.727074 20.6119 Pollen tube 3.694415 3.24517 4.75861 Sperm cell 67.20128571428572 1.83701 173.838 Pollen tube 3.694415 3.24517 4.75861 Tassels (primordia) 47.078475 39.0201 50.6693 Tassels (anther) 75.02319230769231 48.1855 128.211 Tassels 324.619375 12.348 580.047 Silk 21.839955 6.70341 36.9765 Ear 79.61099 16.5484 260.745 Ear (immature) 19.021116666666668 14.6497 21.91 Ear (inflorescence) 51.599999999999994 44.1776 59.0224 Ear (primordia) 38.04435 15.3008 60.203 Zygote (12 HAP) 176.844 155.939 198.725 Zygote (24 HAP) 179.70499999999998 144.797 211.368 Daughter cell (apical) 164.48533333333333 157.739 169.655 Daughter cell (basal) 270.66066666666666 216.776 319.049 Embryo 77.95264333333333 1.00811 374.873 Nucellus 52.00135 51.2519 52.7508 Endopserm 52.11067857142857 10.1519 140.652 Kernel 90.66948333333333 54.2927 174.181 Kernel (germinating) 220.8195 201.23 240.409 Seeds 215.21358484848486 15.7765 432.744 Embryo Sac 213.7865 172.408 255.165 Pericarp and aleurone 41.668 41.668 41.668 Coleoptile (5 day) 63.10223333333333 62.0913 63.8426 Seedling 170.88967391304348 19.773 334.539 Internode 152.76602857142856 83.0622 307.361 Sheath 393.423 370.092 416.754 Shoot (apex) 131.9125184 37.6652 396.024 Shoot 74.40190666666666 4.78163 166.386 Whole plant 82.8523 57.7214 109.903 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 27.0081 24.9583 29.0579 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 16.274233333333335 14.5935 19.3003 Apical meristem 34.8083 34.8083 34.8083 Stem and meristem 307.79 300.773 314.807 Stems 235.9732 89.7546 550.76 Stem (Internode) 144.75716666666668 95.3315 223.602 Leaf 43.32951963963964 2.1245 360.898 Leaf (apex) 30.86945 26.5099 35.229 Leaf (bundle sheath) 164.78373 4.54946 325.018 Leaf (mesophyll) 69.97097666666666 4.89863 176.903 Leaf (seedlings) 15.631314 1.15467 42.8172 Leaf and kernel 6.461506666666667 3.59091 8.79918 Ear (leaf) 10.0279 10.0279 10.0279 Root 454.1640875 21.057 1183.62 Root (elongation zone) 356.34675 143.02 576.721 Root (meristematic zone) 123.25550000000001 122.641 123.87 Root (stele) 880.0182500000001 619.527 1314.4 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 698.025 698.025 698.025 Secondary root 548.858 548.858 548.858 Root, root hairs removed 622.542 622.542 622.542 Root (maturation zone) 84.7949 84.7949 84.7949