condition mean min max Egg cell 2.1862316666666666 0.230633 5.91552 Ovary 5.894473333333333 4.86547 6.66616 Ovule 11.404135 1.78342 33.929 Microspore 0.5134132 0.0 1.00735 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 0.11571836216216216 0.0 0.87316 Pollen tube 0.10982765 0.0734305 0.200171 Sperm cell 0.009148271428571428 0.0 0.0640379 Pollen tube 0.10982765 0.0734305 0.200171 Tassels (primordia) 37.951525000000004 27.7224 57.6073 Tassels (anther) 16.62615230769231 8.23238 23.0032 Tassels 34.78839125 7.00903 100.256 Silk 6.0725750000000005 5.40552 6.73963 Ear 28.674032 2.43219 123.492 Ear (immature) 62.285183333333336 56.474 68.8828 Ear (inflorescence) 52.1563 45.538 58.7746 Ear (primordia) 53.963049999999996 25.7565 122.591 Zygote (12 HAP) 2.799176666666667 1.14567 5.73935 Zygote (24 HAP) 2.35801 1.7558 2.86906 Daughter cell (apical) 2.161626666666667 1.5049 3.17339 Daughter cell (basal) 1.44133 1.10841 1.97896 Embryo 18.635033333333332 2.5532 38.9592 Nucellus 22.53425 18.0957 26.9728 Endopserm 5.297090571428572 0.408136 14.5889 Kernel 11.899291666666667 3.13363 38.2357 Kernel (germinating) 20.32405 19.7309 20.9172 Seeds 14.693078696969698 0.964597 36.6645 Embryo Sac 5.9070350000000005 4.33849 7.47558 Pericarp and aleurone 8.28383 8.28383 8.28383 Coleoptile (5 day) 6.950323333333333 5.6416 8.4665 Seedling 17.21339956521739 5.07367 30.4686 Internode 11.032187142857143 3.57747 34.0101 Sheath 21.65665 15.3748 27.9385 Shoot (apex) 30.0250472 13.9161 53.3326 Shoot 20.578478333333333 7.19224 29.277 Whole plant 18.015069999999998 9.09108 32.8456 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 40.90305 37.3188 44.4873 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 105.66276666666667 84.4393 127.319 Apical meristem 99.1722 99.1722 99.1722 Stem and meristem 26.48545 26.2469 26.724 Stems 10.57919 6.64464 14.3394 Stem (Internode) 9.332413333333333 8.03196 11.15 Leaf 16.378636846846845 1.52041 64.8499 Leaf (apex) 62.60785 48.1791 77.0366 Leaf (bundle sheath) 14.20469 7.58698 20.8224 Leaf (mesophyll) 12.407186666666666 8.17696 20.8531 Leaf (seedlings) 3.8794139933333334 0.0989849 13.4713 Leaf and kernel 10.363758333333333 8.16571 13.8289 Ear (leaf) 10.5321 10.5321 10.5321 Root 28.849842291666665 9.28366 65.4975 Root (elongation zone) 19.45795 15.0435 27.4582 Root (meristematic zone) 14.788 14.1941 15.3819 Root (stele) 31.657325 29.1922 38.1194 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 34.1341 34.1341 34.1341 Secondary root 33.1458 33.1458 33.1458 Root, root hairs removed 47.0325 47.0325 47.0325 Root (maturation zone) 27.0738 27.0738 27.0738