condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	9.668613333333333	7.87672	12.8108
Ovary	5.555703333333334	3.47632	7.00599
Ovule	16.09625	8.5263	29.5823
Microspore	3.718706	0.4385	5.82854
Bicellular microspore	0.883001	0.883001	0.883001
Pollen (mature)	1.1435426486486486	0.291449	3.958
Pollen tube	0.4806296666666667	0.316272	0.748278
Sperm cell	1.7828348571428572	0.136017	3.93308
Pollen tube	0.4806296666666667	0.316272	0.748278
Tassels (primordia)	27.90715	21.6625	31.6695
Tassels (anther)	18.810653846153848	12.8973	28.331
Tassels	20.270811249999998	4.49282	32.9049
Silk	12.62915	12.5386	12.7197
Ear	19.60639	10.2928	42.128
Ear (immature)	9.990081666666667	9.02065	11.0041
Ear (inflorescence)	17.6205	13.7705	21.4705
Ear (primordia)	19.48551833333333	5.59831	25.6716
Zygote (12 HAP)	18.209789999999998	9.41207	24.5659
Zygote (24 HAP)	14.800446666666666	5.72594	21.1533
Daughter cell (apical)	11.1014	10.4182	12.2612
Daughter cell (basal)	8.41188	7.18283	10.5487
Embryo	61.957233333333335	13.6182	136.354
Nucellus	23.3138	22.1396	24.488
Endopserm	7.667707142857143	2.3164	17.3201
Kernel	13.535961666666667	4.84751	26.8889
Kernel (germinating)	25.002000000000002	23.443	26.561
Seeds	31.412298484848485	6.82645	175.762
Embryo Sac	27.460150000000002	15.4639	39.4564
Pericarp and aleurone	9.95201	9.95201	9.95201
Coleoptile (5 day)	25.775833333333335	21.3578	28.7004
Seedling	21.104822608695653	8.29417	48.2834
Internode	23.908542857142855	14.4883	39.0366
Sheath	28.69425	25.729	31.6595
Shoot (apex)	22.4266808	10.8649	45.0503
Shoot	11.22458	7.66344	17.9288
Whole plant	20.648075	18.6201	21.8047
Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue	10.21473	9.02556	11.4039
Meristem (SAM with Laser capture)	10.433936666666666	9.70937	11.6802
Apical meristem	20.6762	20.6762	20.6762
Stem and meristem	19.45825	19.2509	19.6656
Stems	24.35325	11.6218	35.285
Stem (Internode)	24.8184	24.4391	25.312
Leaf	28.038348108108107	4.61401	242.073
Leaf (apex)	15.879800000000001	14.585	17.1746
Leaf (bundle sheath)	11.891929999999999	9.64936	14.1345
Leaf (mesophyll)	13.452023333333333	9.18807	19.1223
Leaf (seedlings)	11.828458	2.46736	27.8557
Leaf and kernel	13.836066666666667	12.3663	15.2152
Ear (leaf)	16.1515	16.1515	16.1515
Root	23.5008478125	8.05032	41.2471
Root (elongation zone)	22.32745	13.5121	32.7531
Root (meristematic zone)	26.87875	26.4028	27.3547
Root (stele)	41.618900000000004	36.0152	48.0801
whole crown root (20-30 mm)	21.254	21.254	21.254
Secondary root	16.7517	16.7517	16.7517
Root, root hairs removed	20.5759	20.5759	20.5759
Root (maturation zone)	12.3673	12.3673	12.3673