condition mean min max Egg cell 2.7678463333333334 0.758039 5.27969 Ovary 9.632443333333333 6.80743 11.0687 Ovule 41.3001 21.3433 71.6519 Microspore 1.4271912 0.0 4.81084 Bicellular microspore 0.119394 0.119394 0.119394 Pollen (mature) 0.2763928783783784 0.0 5.52238 Pollen tube 0.03334346666666667 0.0 0.0513383 Sperm cell 0.9525541428571429 0.0 2.6913 Pollen tube 0.03334346666666667 0.0 0.0513383 Tassels (primordia) 109.133175 97.5345 134.213 Tassels (anther) 63.4007 47.0681 94.8902 Tassels 46.997699999999995 13.3172 77.9253 Silk 26.41235 14.899 37.9257 Ear 62.05148 26.3467 110.628 Ear (immature) 51.47185 45.4717 55.9896 Ear (inflorescence) 70.38315 56.0377 84.7286 Ear (primordia) 88.56785 19.0757 109.123 Zygote (12 HAP) 10.571403333333334 9.24291 11.8992 Zygote (24 HAP) 8.859630000000001 6.14118 11.0165 Daughter cell (apical) 27.625866666666667 14.1359 34.8408 Daughter cell (basal) 22.034766666666666 18.862 27.372 Embryo 54.460122222222225 16.3398 84.8227 Nucellus 99.44069999999999 96.0154 102.866 Endopserm 16.07686 6.52663 32.2344 Kernel 35.71944166666667 12.5509 70.75 Kernel (germinating) 73.09335 67.3257 78.861 Seeds 52.67171212121212 12.3436 99.6844 Embryo Sac 26.66015 26.6303 26.69 Pericarp and aleurone 16.3397 16.3397 16.3397 Coleoptile (5 day) 54.93343333333333 42.7003 61.918 Seedling 64.70714347826087 24.6365 97.43 Internode 94.49098571428571 47.2413 115.396 Sheath 74.6283 73.9937 75.2629 Shoot (apex) 89.0039648 27.5489 127.136 Shoot 34.731425 22.7246 59.2428 Whole plant 56.25025 46.172 68.6714 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 36.34135 33.811 38.8717 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 21.627466666666667 18.7565 23.4939 Apical meristem 75.8896 75.8896 75.8896 Stem and meristem 85.83875 85.6745 86.003 Stems 98.2126625 92.0587 103.875 Stem (Internode) 93.1086 72.156 107.324 Leaf 52.38503288288288 7.65889 121.944 Leaf (apex) 72.66640000000001 64.7544 80.5784 Leaf (bundle sheath) 33.9897 22.2022 45.7772 Leaf (mesophyll) 36.556666666666665 33.6858 41.8925 Leaf (seedlings) 31.381935333333335 3.86567 73.5414 Leaf and kernel 41.69135 29.5582 56.6347 Ear (leaf) 44.5154 44.5154 44.5154 Root 89.934121875 10.4051 169.29 Root (elongation zone) 40.53475 15.9801 70.1462 Root (meristematic zone) 48.418800000000005 48.1864 48.6512 Root (stele) 130.3105 117.749 137.197 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 73.8458 73.8458 73.8458 Secondary root 36.3479 36.3479 36.3479 Root, root hairs removed 73.9366 73.9366 73.9366 Root (maturation zone) 22.4627 22.4627 22.4627