condition mean min max Egg cell 29.0107 23.1809 33.6773 Ovary 2.370496666666667 1.61074 2.88974 Ovule 35.734475 18.6075 59.0079 Microspore 7.8902902 0.474721 19.3772 Bicellular microspore 0.261134 0.261134 0.261134 Pollen (mature) 6.934972551351351 0.0857774 15.5335 Pollen tube 7.102688333333333 6.51423 8.03487 Sperm cell 22.361462285714286 0.373517 53.8571 Pollen tube 7.102688333333333 6.51423 8.03487 Tassels (primordia) 23.164725 19.6999 28.0886 Tassels (anther) 21.34506923076923 12.6199 34.2841 Tassels 14.246595 2.0833 26.494 Silk 16.70505 15.5732 17.8369 Ear 18.980981 5.63699 51.8195 Ear (immature) 13.166683333333333 10.1658 15.2674 Ear (inflorescence) 15.127199999999998 12.5663 17.6881 Ear (primordia) 14.3964505 0.876503 20.5553 Zygote (12 HAP) 25.127166666666668 20.3181 27.9966 Zygote (24 HAP) 13.246133333333333 10.2132 17.4657 Daughter cell (apical) 33.9231 30.2263 39.9907 Daughter cell (basal) 43.437466666666666 40.3463 48.0729 Embryo 10.958213333333333 3.82949 15.5762 Nucellus 30.821350000000002 29.2159 32.4268 Endopserm 4.923687857142857 1.83081 12.2244 Kernel 14.093296666666667 3.87613 30.0979 Kernel (germinating) 12.89085 11.2639 14.5178 Seeds 17.808185757575757 2.52353 35.0224 Embryo Sac 50.78725 41.0991 60.4754 Pericarp and aleurone 5.33948 5.33948 5.33948 Coleoptile (5 day) 15.911533333333333 14.9268 16.909 Seedling 15.142783478260869 4.21146 22.0783 Internode 17.809471428571428 15.204 19.6958 Sheath 20.4564 20.0843 20.8285 Shoot (apex) 26.7895632 14.7211 40.1573 Shoot 9.244401666666667 2.45379 20.2341 Whole plant 17.1062075 5.73513 26.6396 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 19.3512 15.7182 22.9842 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 26.4182 21.3117 35.1768 Apical meristem 18.4982 18.4982 18.4982 Stem and meristem 24.8091 23.5144 26.1038 Stems 21.3095625 13.8002 29.7972 Stem (Internode) 16.014 13.1641 20.697 Leaf 10.022528108108109 1.80796 39.4134 Leaf (apex) 21.83945 18.3843 25.2946 Leaf (bundle sheath) 9.30048 7.02046 11.5805 Leaf (mesophyll) 10.163266666666667 10.0004 10.2881 Leaf (seedlings) 6.318593 0.575154 20.0207 Leaf and kernel 12.911571666666667 8.23923 16.7514 Ear (leaf) 3.48126 3.48126 3.48126 Root 19.524479583333335 4.93851 37.1316 Root (elongation zone) 15.5047575 6.77063 22.6514 Root (meristematic zone) 12.30715 11.8461 12.7682 Root (stele) 26.67315 24.0322 27.9079 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 17.8477 17.8477 17.8477 Secondary root 7.69289 7.69289 7.69289 Root, root hairs removed 13.944 13.944 13.944 Root (maturation zone) 6.2253 6.2253 6.2253