condition mean min max Egg cell 25.136266666666664 12.7948 42.8711 Ovary 3.963686666666667 2.6489 4.8109 Ovule 18.72945 13.2339 24.3081 Microspore 4.8409276000000006 0.203963 14.7215 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 0.9748341810810811 0.0 4.19415 Pollen tube 0.8208498333333334 0.560648 1.02584 Sperm cell 8.957387571428571 0.0 23.363 Pollen tube 0.8208498333333334 0.560648 1.02584 Tassels (primordia) 48.27465 46.7526 51.3895 Tassels (anther) 42.79993846153846 21.414 93.1847 Tassels 31.3080375 18.7206 43.0066 Silk 23.11195 12.9678 33.2561 Ear 29.4646 9.5311 50.5432 Ear (immature) 23.251266666666666 19.4192 25.8225 Ear (inflorescence) 24.1447 24.1437 24.1457 Ear (primordia) 32.512683333333335 18.8338 45.4862 Zygote (12 HAP) 16.457413333333335 9.45224 28.6965 Zygote (24 HAP) 21.804866666666666 17.3723 25.6149 Daughter cell (apical) 5.746333333333333 4.86843 6.31025 Daughter cell (basal) 12.177003333333333 7.39071 16.3305 Embryo 25.26531111111111 13.8144 50.037 Nucellus 41.250299999999996 39.6316 42.869 Endopserm 15.911547857142857 7.76297 37.436 Kernel 25.491183333333332 19.1557 33.0046 Kernel (germinating) 36.35105 27.18 45.5221 Seeds 33.419980606060605 8.23211 58.943 Embryo Sac 29.86345 26.4304 33.2965 Pericarp and aleurone 22.4348 22.4348 22.4348 Coleoptile (5 day) 23.866133333333334 21.1877 26.3343 Seedling 19.88056652173913 4.79246 30.4553 Internode 54.5507 46.0053 65.2201 Sheath 26.1432 23.6202 28.6662 Shoot (apex) 43.7907424 17.6501 63.701 Shoot 19.24406666666667 10.6505 30.7376 Whole plant 13.2779075 7.54515 21.764 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 36.410849999999996 33.0723 39.7494 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 61.905566666666665 55.4385 65.6354 Apical meristem 37.8162 37.8162 37.8162 Stem and meristem 42.953500000000005 42.8519 43.0551 Stems 49.835175 38.3977 71.0211 Stem (Internode) 56.829633333333334 51.6708 62.1331 Leaf 15.859904144144144 1.58208 36.2472 Leaf (apex) 39.90205 36.6524 43.1517 Leaf (bundle sheath) 15.390285 9.80517 20.9754 Leaf (mesophyll) 10.678896666666667 7.38499 14.4075 Leaf (seedlings) 4.166660066666667 0.623938 9.41808 Leaf and kernel 7.541546666666666 5.94133 11.1427 Ear (leaf) 13.4529 13.4529 13.4529 Root 31.859081458333332 8.12762 66.9648 Root (elongation zone) 35.681725 28.8015 44.3448 Root (meristematic zone) 36.78035 35.1834 38.3773 Root (stele) 37.3133 33.9553 40.3537 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 36.6098 36.6098 36.6098 Secondary root 36.1162 36.1162 36.1162 Root, root hairs removed 22.1636 22.1636 22.1636 Root (maturation zone) 32.3247 32.3247 32.3247