condition mean min max Egg cell 29.507466666666666 22.2856 33.5813 Ovary 6.144073333333334 4.05029 8.33411 Ovule 65.61 35.4787 80.8123 Microspore 14.869316 1.66248 29.0806 Bicellular microspore 1.00639 1.00639 1.00639 Pollen (mature) 0.4602563972972973 0.0 7.71942 Pollen tube 0.040858566666666665 0.0260892 0.0588927 Sperm cell 0.7100863857142857 0.017921 4.32164 Pollen tube 0.040858566666666665 0.0260892 0.0588927 Tassels (primordia) 109.19012500000001 79.7398 146.497 Tassels (anther) 69.37223846153846 46.7864 110.119 Tassels 48.2399125 11.2095 124.702 Silk 51.75535 2.0277 101.483 Ear 67.29077 13.8995 203.026 Ear (immature) 46.361383333333336 34.9848 53.4601 Ear (inflorescence) 80.13315 43.9193 116.347 Ear (primordia) 175.29438333333334 15.7173 301.897 Zygote (12 HAP) 33.12826666666667 28.2669 37.4517 Zygote (24 HAP) 31.120466666666665 24.3932 36.7617 Daughter cell (apical) 76.45646666666667 71.0146 82.5213 Daughter cell (basal) 56.457233333333335 53.968 58.7235 Embryo 78.09674444444444 32.0269 113.55 Nucellus 159.875 158.374 161.376 Endopserm 25.269312857142857 6.00142 49.7631 Kernel 45.23746666666667 15.4999 98.5553 Kernel (germinating) 47.49 30.0894 64.8906 Seeds 68.26779696969697 10.9172 116.176 Embryo Sac 93.10925 64.6105 121.608 Pericarp and aleurone 17.0546 17.0546 17.0546 Coleoptile (5 day) 97.24863333333333 66.1439 113.856 Seedling 48.30174347826087 13.5167 134.252 Internode 70.88080000000001 20.7278 91.8021 Sheath 86.40684999999999 65.5617 107.252 Shoot (apex) 56.5873784 17.023 96.1077 Shoot 24.061516666666666 13.8262 49.5633 Whole plant 62.308350000000004 54.7182 77.5885 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 18.9042 17.7748 20.0336 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 22.705166666666667 12.1207 31.1407 Apical meristem 103.415 103.415 103.415 Stem and meristem 62.97165 60.7975 65.1458 Stems 88.97895 67.8674 107.436 Stem (Internode) 79.87013333333333 68.0398 86.582 Leaf 42.61293968468468 0.367225 143.611 Leaf (apex) 83.49645 69.7481 97.2448 Leaf (bundle sheath) 17.909914999999998 8.88803 26.9318 Leaf (mesophyll) 25.8157 22.4949 31.8706 Leaf (seedlings) 23.32105 8.00295 36.0839 Leaf and kernel 19.7943 15.4066 23.5989 Ear (leaf) 60.3016 60.3016 60.3016 Root 44.631147291666665 1.23436 87.437 Root (elongation zone) 14.8547125 1.92486 27.7436 Root (meristematic zone) 42.00875 30.1397 53.8778 Root (stele) 63.680274999999995 53.977 76.2635 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 46.6045 46.6045 46.6045 Secondary root 7.06453 7.06453 7.06453 Root, root hairs removed 43.8996 43.8996 43.8996 Root (maturation zone) 13.1225 13.1225 13.1225