condition mean min max Egg cell 16.026510000000002 7.39819 32.6522 Ovary 17.7613 12.5325 21.3108 Ovule 74.2256 38.3225 142.989 Microspore 2.3374164 0.200002 5.90751 Bicellular microspore 0.342068 0.342068 0.342068 Pollen (mature) 0.401292627027027 0.0 3.2776 Pollen tube 0.06035663333333333 0.0254483 0.137048 Sperm cell 0.29144245714285716 0.0 1.07765 Pollen tube 0.06035663333333333 0.0254483 0.137048 Tassels (primordia) 135.802 120.664 163.215 Tassels (anther) 102.32797692307693 84.8251 128.913 Tassels 56.0503 16.5025 130.283 Silk 61.778549999999996 41.8401 81.717 Ear 126.85006 10.5756 446.087 Ear (immature) 82.28218333333334 70.457 94.1761 Ear (inflorescence) 93.18690000000001 81.6438 104.73 Ear (primordia) 165.80133333333333 32.312 245.439 Zygote (12 HAP) 30.176033333333333 28.7044 31.215 Zygote (24 HAP) 47.778333333333336 39.3775 53.2561 Daughter cell (apical) 23.409766666666666 19.4522 30.4642 Daughter cell (basal) 26.51503333333333 25.6172 27.8193 Embryo 78.33285777777778 4.63912 212.512 Nucellus 265.1925 247.811 282.574 Endopserm 44.43857142857143 16.3678 129.145 Kernel 82.85026666666667 34.6494 202.422 Kernel (germinating) 35.95855 31.3236 40.5935 Seeds 116.1843393939394 40.6718 230.862 Embryo Sac 114.10310000000001 83.3172 144.889 Pericarp and aleurone 19.9125 19.9125 19.9125 Coleoptile (5 day) 145.892 132.613 157.149 Seedling 49.075984347826086 5.83346 115.721 Internode 63.54241428571429 36.9871 143.854 Sheath 180.11 160.004 200.216 Shoot (apex) 110.9485136 28.8491 205.32 Shoot 34.22399 6.09988 81.1845 Whole plant 42.02625 33.7818 57.0793 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 138.071 116.823 159.319 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 169.171 154.004 181.446 Apical meristem 129.075 129.075 129.075 Stem and meristem 141.237 141.012 141.462 Stems 112.7074875 50.3252 219.389 Stem (Internode) 54.45516666666667 46.0075 66.358 Leaf 16.389030900900902 0.110229 130.293 Leaf (apex) 123.225 107.081 139.369 Leaf (bundle sheath) 14.712095 3.99869 25.4255 Leaf (mesophyll) 12.255093333333333 7.78417 19.1199 Leaf (seedlings) 2.051784 0.314741 6.03484 Leaf and kernel 5.673351666666667 3.36505 8.04994 Ear (leaf) 6.01162 6.01162 6.01162 Root 55.89313229166667 12.0167 111.061 Root (elongation zone) 78.70805 49.4619 114.572 Root (meristematic zone) 81.27165 81.2519 81.2914 Root (stele) 61.103525000000005 37.7965 69.2065 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 71.6564 71.6564 71.6564 Secondary root 54.966 54.966 54.966 Root, root hairs removed 63.4897 63.4897 63.4897 Root (maturation zone) 65.3919 65.3919 65.3919