condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	6.805266666666666	4.28348	9.32089
Ovary	8.501	5.04321	12.3517
Ovule	24.228625	18.3984	31.7579
Microspore	0.69956698	0.0	2.03619
Bicellular microspore	0.368114	0.368114	0.368114
Pollen (mature)	0.07488578648648649	0.0	0.615289
Pollen tube	0.03260815	0.0	0.0737824
Sperm cell	0.0035463957142857147	0.0	0.0180579
Pollen tube	0.03260815	0.0	0.0737824
Tassels (primordia)	34.932775	32.6237	36.2994
Tassels (anther)	28.181169230769232	11.1485	67.5694
Tassels	18.23432125	6.47757	24.169
Silk	32.651145	7.18879	58.1135
Ear	29.123143	4.83265	60.9382
Ear (immature)	14.125216666666667	11.2945	16.2924
Ear (inflorescence)	14.59265	11.035	18.1503
Ear (primordia)	63.611466666666665	27.6897	134.589
Zygote (12 HAP)	82.96366666666667	81.3352	84.8679
Zygote (24 HAP)	61.9622	50.9514	71.872
Daughter cell (apical)	24.767233333333333	17.9245	29.1058
Daughter cell (basal)	21.120866666666668	17.6811	24.5959
Embryo	43.409866666666666	11.4764	67.9811
Nucellus	91.08605	84.0811	98.091
Endopserm	10.898615714285715	2.44133	35.7372
Kernel	30.510325833333333	5.69537	95.6704
Kernel (germinating)	36.46795	24.3185	48.6174
Seeds	32.332376969696966	5.00663	91.5915
Embryo Sac	33.1873	30.6714	35.7032
Pericarp and aleurone	19.8218	19.8218	19.8218
Coleoptile (5 day)	62.32053333333334	53.0432	69.8837
Seedling	39.30693478260869	15.5169	83.0798
Internode	62.279114285714286	14.6111	86.8309
Sheath	46.6389	39.5128	53.765
Shoot (apex)	32.468575200000004	10.8017	78.0396
Shoot	26.394866666666665	17.589	51.97
Whole plant	32.925975	20.3278	38.3278
Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue	12.0702	10.569	13.5714
Meristem (SAM with Laser capture)	9.740536666666667	5.88541	12.1432
Apical meristem	26.4386	26.4386	26.4386
Stem and meristem	28.9544	24.1181	33.7907
Stems	44.6413	27.7096	62.4992
Stem (Internode)	58.54343333333333	56.8467	59.7676
Leaf	42.01511171171171	15.6475	107.362
Leaf (apex)	26.7165	18.7834	34.6496
Leaf (bundle sheath)	23.14895	12.9771	33.3208
Leaf (mesophyll)	25.291933333333333	19.6883	33.2264
Leaf (seedlings)	15.974502000000001	1.45348	43.2912
Leaf and kernel	24.372516666666666	17.5026	34.0271
Ear (leaf)	37.8753	37.8753	37.8753
Root	53.38735520833333	20.7023	107.793
Root (elongation zone)	18.766019999999997	7.28581	34.0648
Root (meristematic zone)	21.9475	21.7357	22.1593
Root (stele)	47.0467	40.7013	51.607
whole crown root (20-30 mm)	46.5728	46.5728	46.5728
Secondary root	24.4779	24.4779	24.4779
Root, root hairs removed	33.6035	33.6035	33.6035
Root (maturation zone)	12.4946	12.4946	12.4946