condition mean min max Egg cell 53.61651233333333 0.338137 98.7451 Ovary 107.85163333333334 64.6329 132.187 Ovule 799.3425 437.786 1290.31 Microspore 3509.927968 0.0 17436.5 Bicellular microspore 0.257173 0.257173 0.257173 Pollen (mature) 11.158574567567568 0.0 34.3074 Pollen tube 89.6029 38.2003 135.97 Sperm cell 376.3122271428571 2.57496 832.247 Pollen tube 89.6029 38.2003 135.97 Tassels (primordia) 1828.655 1379.99 2616.94 Tassels (anther) 741.62 113.015 3156.71 Tassels 2235.74163375 9.92967 11704.1 Silk 202.27505 17.1241 387.426 Ear 2170.21806 17.9798 5363.67 Ear (immature) 5775.943333333334 5196.42 6929.04 Ear (inflorescence) 2920.135 2181.77 3658.5 Ear (primordia) 1814.7401666666667 185.029 5690.08 Zygote (12 HAP) 1945.0633333333333 1072.82 3281.21 Zygote (24 HAP) 2299.4933333333333 1725.84 2754.15 Daughter cell (apical) 547.808 449.439 673.112 Daughter cell (basal) 676.75 577.059 798.71 Embryo 366.06849555555556 6.91922 742.607 Nucellus 929.6415 819.103 1040.18 Endopserm 148.01758999999998 5.86902 815.275 Kernel 334.4064833333333 78.4135 1073.26 Kernel (germinating) 338.5475 235.044 442.051 Seeds 245.11977666666667 4.19811 1081.98 Embryo Sac 302.4395 160.315 444.564 Pericarp and aleurone 20.5865 20.5865 20.5865 Coleoptile (5 day) 73.21973333333334 71.686 75.891 Seedling 151.67089869565217 6.07667 885.36 Internode 253.5322 32.849 1322.73 Sheath 123.6728 97.8206 149.525 Shoot (apex) 666.2955568 79.8386 1867.58 Shoot 412.2554416666667 19.7335 647.311 Whole plant 623.00125 167.681 1842.07 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 1395.3049999999998 963.28 1827.33 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 1868.85 1211.13 2571.72 Apical meristem 1427.23 1427.23 1427.23 Stem and meristem 523.139 508.648 537.63 Stems 144.1233125 32.934 309.409 Stem (Internode) 64.0703 47.3631 84.5482 Leaf 49.05414936036036 0.0 1935.46 Leaf (apex) 1869.815 1849.57 1890.06 Leaf (bundle sheath) 8.63081 6.00922 11.2524 Leaf (mesophyll) 11.568616666666667 8.97125 13.4871 Leaf (seedlings) 5.2421473333333335 0.89444 21.1845 Leaf and kernel 18.436416666666666 10.1496 28.1657 Ear (leaf) 6.16391 6.16391 6.16391 Root 319.14746041666666 38.9104 1019.56 Root (elongation zone) 574.26825 177.142 1037.73 Root (meristematic zone) 531.5055 530.448 532.563 Root (stele) 123.4666 57.9235 246.794 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 326.967 326.967 326.967 Secondary root 738.617 738.617 738.617 Root, root hairs removed 404.327 404.327 404.327 Root (maturation zone) 1300.72 1300.72 1300.72