condition mean min max Egg cell 5.936324333333333 0.886463 9.56102 Ovary 3.2688633333333335 2.49101 3.66792 Ovule 27.371299999999998 19.3285 49.1219 Microspore 1.3174 0.168898 2.02285 Bicellular microspore 0.232819 0.232819 0.232819 Pollen (mature) 0.49387387027027024 0.0 1.25399 Pollen tube 0.2924885 0.229786 0.355553 Sperm cell 10.187562285714286 0.303118 23.744 Pollen tube 0.2924885 0.229786 0.355553 Tassels (primordia) 25.855 18.078 34.9163 Tassels (anther) 25.52613076923077 16.1686 29.6394 Tassels 14.39481125 1.84395 22.3971 Silk 9.6995 2.8823 16.5167 Ear 16.196198 4.77935 30.9557 Ear (immature) 9.632478333333333 8.13727 11.5914 Ear (inflorescence) 19.672649999999997 16.0935 23.2518 Ear (primordia) 13.097869999999999 2.24032 17.9183 Zygote (12 HAP) 9.434026666666666 7.73646 12.0648 Zygote (24 HAP) 5.826553333333334 3.60968 8.83557 Daughter cell (apical) 28.215333333333334 20.1893 33.5871 Daughter cell (basal) 24.745366666666666 20.8838 30.8471 Embryo 12.479994444444445 4.49346 24.1534 Nucellus 33.3631 32.7067 34.0195 Endopserm 3.738596 0.545689 11.2296 Kernel 13.4254275 1.96607 36.0938 Kernel (germinating) 12.102170000000001 5.67424 18.5301 Seeds 17.052291818181818 2.29235 33.1056 Embryo Sac 21.0348 20.3868 21.6828 Pericarp and aleurone 4.47549 4.47549 4.47549 Coleoptile (5 day) 14.413366666666667 10.5325 16.4325 Seedling 16.63461086956522 8.40685 27.6334 Internode 25.49777142857143 11.8171 32.3455 Sheath 24.046300000000002 23.5041 24.5885 Shoot (apex) 23.998012160000002 6.88973 40.8515 Shoot 6.502276666666667 2.71129 13.6054 Whole plant 17.7784 10.6999 22.8072 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 8.116485 7.29707 8.9359 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 8.433993333333333 8.17068 8.59917 Apical meristem 16.0935 16.0935 16.0935 Stem and meristem 18.492 17.6733 19.3107 Stems 26.6518375 23.1569 33.145 Stem (Internode) 28.7424 26.7332 32.0624 Leaf 12.288204324324324 1.53376 31.2694 Leaf (apex) 15.40755 14.588 16.2271 Leaf (bundle sheath) 6.6899049999999995 2.81731 10.5625 Leaf (mesophyll) 7.8117600000000005 6.5121 9.62608 Leaf (seedlings) 7.911352 2.11818 16.3574 Leaf and kernel 8.478568333333333 6.37199 10.7886 Ear (leaf) 8.84145 8.84145 8.84145 Root 19.190099166666666 5.85835 34.8032 Root (elongation zone) 9.20381 4.01727 16.5661 Root (meristematic zone) 11.79515 11.1913 12.399 Root (stele) 17.943925 12.1641 25.2003 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 22.7704 22.7704 22.7704 Secondary root 10.7339 10.7339 10.7339 Root, root hairs removed 12.7288 12.7288 12.7288 Root (maturation zone) 4.81494 4.81494 4.81494