condition mean min max Egg cell 13.756663333333334 2.00199 36.7558 Ovary 8.86927 5.89671 10.5212 Ovule 20.80627 5.4223 60.4885 Microspore 3.1085986 0.0 13.9824 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 5.066858054054054 0.17624 13.0244 Pollen tube 4.091353333333333 3.85148 4.67731 Sperm cell 2.0619037571428573 0.0 6.33617 Pollen tube 4.091353333333333 3.85148 4.67731 Tassels (primordia) 17.91625 15.476 20.1614 Tassels (anther) 40.73242307692308 14.9382 63.4744 Tassels 63.3396625 21.0319 103.012 Silk 10.470475 3.77505 17.1659 Ear 28.822649 6.48537 80.6985 Ear (immature) 31.3577 23.6219 38.1931 Ear (inflorescence) 10.21717 8.94344 11.4909 Ear (primordia) 15.194483333333334 4.04859 44.013 Zygote (12 HAP) 152.27233333333334 115.861 202.893 Zygote (24 HAP) 81.2775 62.3032 93.6416 Daughter cell (apical) 32.58133333333333 28.5205 40.5814 Daughter cell (basal) 27.1673 19.1525 33.893 Embryo 39.51895111111111 7.30116 94.527 Nucellus 42.0108 40.4139 43.6077 Endopserm 16.136020714285713 2.65731 60.6851 Kernel 39.29839166666667 13.1521 119.802 Kernel (germinating) 52.072199999999995 48.1592 55.9852 Seeds 27.23132 4.98151 56.3282 Embryo Sac 7.171429999999999 5.05216 9.2907 Pericarp and aleurone 37.6929 37.6929 37.6929 Coleoptile (5 day) 10.491763333333333 9.68029 11.4324 Seedling 67.12822608695652 28.4564 286.687 Internode 66.98007142857143 11.2363 93.2044 Sheath 19.03405 12.8892 25.1789 Shoot (apex) 43.46606432 8.70664 107.26 Shoot 30.835483333333332 11.1573 106.521 Whole plant 74.97852499999999 55.5042 85.4519 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 12.99555 11.6517 14.3394 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 4.079546666666666 3.71977 4.37615 Apical meristem 12.7235 12.7235 12.7235 Stem and meristem 17.6158 17.1962 18.0354 Stems 57.4836125 12.1451 91.982 Stem (Internode) 76.15433333333334 63.6146 100.173 Leaf 59.16520486486486 2.05599 482.111 Leaf (apex) 9.755475 7.46025 12.0507 Leaf (bundle sheath) 29.04175 19.4501 38.6334 Leaf (mesophyll) 34.677366666666664 24.4996 54.141 Leaf (seedlings) 26.24876533333333 1.37408 92.0307 Leaf and kernel 19.632616666666667 16.653 21.7855 Ear (leaf) 52.7097 52.7097 52.7097 Root 33.66973885416667 5.76823 80.6991 Root (elongation zone) 19.495874999999998 9.7608 28.6634 Root (meristematic zone) 11.8519 11.1579 12.5459 Root (stele) 43.75325 39.361 51.3819 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 25.2793 25.2793 25.2793 Secondary root 6.87616 6.87616 6.87616 Root, root hairs removed 25.0339 25.0339 25.0339 Root (maturation zone) 9.68236 9.68236 9.68236