condition mean min max Egg cell 0.514468 0.0 1.35724 Ovary 15.431466666666667 10.7012 19.4048 Ovule 77.56627499999999 64.201 90.2524 Microspore 1.60848688 0.0645794 6.78263 Bicellular microspore 0.748983 0.748983 0.748983 Pollen (mature) 0.9506437027027027 0.109044 4.22002 Pollen tube 0.25029416666666665 0.13255 0.375724 Sperm cell 0.03064852857142857 0.0 0.125325 Pollen tube 0.25029416666666665 0.13255 0.375724 Tassels (primordia) 16.2215825 6.56713 23.336 Tassels (anther) 97.97307692307692 24.2802 180.468 Tassels 80.863065 5.68635 170.744 Silk 22.409399999999998 17.114 27.7048 Ear 45.819861 6.68956 103.393 Ear (immature) 25.16583333333333 15.7354 34.9877 Ear (inflorescence) 23.910449999999997 18.6486 29.1723 Ear (primordia) 6.622915 3.0779 9.65405 Zygote (12 HAP) 32.6558 14.4659 50.2234 Zygote (24 HAP) 25.824133333333336 22.402 29.0406 Daughter cell (apical) 11.34367 2.67172 22.1053 Daughter cell (basal) 5.6641433333333335 2.45752 8.87149 Embryo 55.29483222222222 8.9944 122.256 Nucellus 50.382949999999994 44.8777 55.8882 Endopserm 44.06142857142857 12.5873 99.3951 Kernel 74.98826666666668 33.5473 160.642 Kernel (germinating) 27.10485 25.1886 29.0211 Seeds 119.55762727272727 39.1792 211.868 Embryo Sac 66.99510000000001 60.1636 73.8266 Pericarp and aleurone 99.7986 99.7986 99.7986 Coleoptile (5 day) 46.5922 41.5014 49.9446 Seedling 144.90194347826088 42.4917 359.822 Internode 189.96418571428572 66.1853 249.806 Sheath 190.9395 169.508 212.371 Shoot (apex) 82.9476216 18.8118 190.768 Shoot 82.32553333333334 10.315 117.143 Whole plant 117.01825 100.592 144.819 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 13.97635 10.4872 17.4655 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 18.9308 15.5593 20.8251 Apical meristem 8.35638 8.35638 8.35638 Stem and meristem 102.4045 102.267 102.542 Stems 143.690075 39.1403 339.748 Stem (Internode) 236.756 152.48 306.965 Leaf 74.9249781981982 7.18198 377.927 Leaf (apex) 18.196150000000003 17.9216 18.4707 Leaf (bundle sheath) 62.288500000000006 15.016 109.561 Leaf (mesophyll) 44.937733333333334 15.5242 81.8741 Leaf (seedlings) 36.09093466666667 2.98675 94.8369 Leaf and kernel 48.85295 27.0124 86.9453 Ear (leaf) 54.8399 54.8399 54.8399 Root 90.22326604166666 1.72214 172.067 Root (elongation zone) 26.887975 16.5983 43.8789 Root (meristematic zone) 4.815815000000001 4.78772 4.84391 Root (stele) 136.3669 95.1536 166.294 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 78.9721 78.9721 78.9721 Secondary root 66.6889 66.6889 66.6889 Root, root hairs removed 74.9684 74.9684 74.9684 Root (maturation zone) 3.021 3.021 3.021