condition mean min max Egg cell 15.895760000000001 9.24328 28.2311 Ovary 30.301433333333335 22.3243 37.3305 Ovule 67.261675 35.5878 91.8135 Microspore 1.8841048 0.158414 3.41202 Bicellular microspore 0.0318996 0.0318996 0.0318996 Pollen (mature) 17.957382162162162 2.33683 95.1734 Pollen tube 5.2610399999999995 4.90776 5.98056 Sperm cell 1.8405132714285715 0.0245689 3.68546 Pollen tube 5.2610399999999995 4.90776 5.98056 Tassels (primordia) 87.955525 82.8075 98.5282 Tassels (anther) 38.465753846153845 33.5531 48.1166 Tassels 51.4458875 34.6859 93.9004 Silk 89.12825000000001 80.3411 97.9154 Ear 120.70707 32.831 285.765 Ear (immature) 65.99705 60.8609 79.2328 Ear (inflorescence) 181.9865 178.525 185.448 Ear (primordia) 86.10766666666667 48.336 115.639 Zygote (12 HAP) 4.3964300000000005 2.90056 5.33326 Zygote (24 HAP) 4.7103 4.26175 5.00358 Daughter cell (apical) 92.67066666666666 67.2225 115.817 Daughter cell (basal) 76.8116 67.2982 83.9394 Embryo 50.844322222222225 22.9922 87.985 Nucellus 67.82554999999999 65.0611 70.59 Endopserm 39.975542857142855 13.6626 66.8406 Kernel 50.885733333333334 30.4861 85.3532 Kernel (germinating) 46.1783 33.7739 58.5827 Seeds 64.19047878787879 27.1276 150.752 Embryo Sac 81.1075 49.807 112.408 Pericarp and aleurone 22.3762 22.3762 22.3762 Coleoptile (5 day) 87.64563333333334 73.3196 99.8443 Seedling 45.85981304347826 28.2047 63.5691 Internode 46.86908571428572 22.9139 121.959 Sheath 72.284 69.5404 75.0276 Shoot (apex) 71.4324032 23.6177 143.471 Shoot 46.26161666666667 28.2788 66.8281 Whole plant 65.14625 49.5042 88.1772 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 62.13935 55.5603 68.7184 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 7.18341 5.40369 8.9867 Apical meristem 131.838 131.838 131.838 Stem and meristem 83.78524999999999 72.2928 95.2777 Stems 63.9895125 26.0386 113.316 Stem (Internode) 32.193866666666665 29.9784 33.6449 Leaf 32.29927477477477 3.23514 70.0599 Leaf (apex) 92.10395 80.5709 103.637 Leaf (bundle sheath) 25.4206 17.9192 32.922 Leaf (mesophyll) 26.5727 23.7113 29.5778 Leaf (seedlings) 18.616380666666668 2.04544 45.3566 Leaf and kernel 27.461216666666665 21.0357 32.4678 Ear (leaf) 21.4485 21.4485 21.4485 Root 64.76302291666667 39.5205 100.434 Root (elongation zone) 63.948 41.7351 94.5203 Root (meristematic zone) 58.1921 53.0549 63.3293 Root (stele) 73.65425 51.6764 106.347 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 63.0452 63.0452 63.0452 Secondary root 73.1652 73.1652 73.1652 Root, root hairs removed 46.6812 46.6812 46.6812 Root (maturation zone) 48.8012 48.8012 48.8012