condition mean min max Egg cell 0.029567933333333334 0.0 0.0887038 Ovary 4.51981 3.01642 5.85419 Ovule 2.9691625 1.65321 5.79546 Microspore 0.0946882 0.0 0.473441 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 0.022718585675675675 0.0 0.167144 Pollen tube 0.010457875 0.0 0.0310086 Sperm cell 0.004749271428571429 0.0 0.0196451 Pollen tube 0.010457875 0.0 0.0310086 Tassels (primordia) 0.930458875 0.0965705 1.82609 Tassels (anther) 3.9820153846153845 2.01453 6.45696 Tassels 2.0502000000000002 0.181116 3.48123 Silk 6.510330000000001 3.31258 9.70808 Ear 7.1398891 0.384713 26.3393 Ear (immature) 0.757016 0.469845 1.11453 Ear (inflorescence) 1.505025 1.36036 1.64969 Ear (primordia) 0.3854687333333333 0.0801284 0.599939 Zygote (12 HAP) 1.8773533333333332 1.60869 2.22375 Zygote (24 HAP) 3.51891 1.16521 5.97132 Daughter cell (apical) 1.5435076666666667 0.251703 2.85222 Daughter cell (basal) 0.9459069999999999 0.0 1.91939 Embryo 8.974917777777778 1.60157 26.7122 Nucellus 7.574035 7.32158 7.82649 Endopserm 1.437365 0.523506 2.83595 Kernel 3.7861991666666666 1.32127 7.97999 Kernel (germinating) 6.146445 4.9678 7.32509 Seeds 4.962605484848485 0.523272 22.3333 Embryo Sac 2.7793349999999997 2.663 2.89567 Pericarp and aleurone 1.63354 1.63354 1.63354 Coleoptile (5 day) 5.5410699999999995 5.38633 5.64481 Seedling 15.820180869565217 4.66907 27.2405 Internode 4.469087142857143 1.02234 7.75198 Sheath 3.027295 1.84644 4.20815 Shoot (apex) 3.33588584 1.02201 14.2945 Shoot 13.1731125 5.23431 34.9641 Whole plant 39.124725 25.6905 52.3998 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 0.580011 0.564475 0.595547 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 0.292328 0.064534 0.466264 Apical meristem 0.54354 0.54354 0.54354 Stem and meristem 1.263 1.06749 1.45851 Stems 4.16240125 1.18284 12.0031 Stem (Internode) 4.685473333333333 3.56658 6.30962 Leaf 28.914502972972972 2.27074 78.7177 Leaf (apex) 1.41227 1.16331 1.66123 Leaf (bundle sheath) 6.52134 5.72862 7.31406 Leaf (mesophyll) 12.820426666666666 8.23883 20.4801 Leaf (seedlings) 15.671047999999999 4.23907 39.3755 Leaf and kernel 30.45685 20.8762 41.1962 Ear (leaf) 23.1529 23.1529 23.1529 Root 5.3559936666666665 0.964952 15.0569 Root (elongation zone) 3.9837249999999997 2.04077 5.88445 Root (meristematic zone) 0.5401665 0.450189 0.630144 Root (stele) 1.1759629999999999 0.644764 1.63306 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 5.62626 5.62626 5.62626 Secondary root 2.11983 2.11983 2.11983 Root, root hairs removed 2.79612 2.79612 2.79612 Root (maturation zone) 0.712905 0.712905 0.712905