condition mean min max Egg cell 144.4955 77.7565 225.489 Ovary 3.84014 2.52852 4.81381 Ovule 175.130275 70.7451 224.833 Microspore 40.7417068 0.868754 156.698 Bicellular microspore 2.30508 2.30508 2.30508 Pollen (mature) 2.202022918918919 0.116834 11.6158 Pollen tube 2.522975 1.48614 3.91045 Sperm cell 64.43836142857143 0.0 153.744 Pollen tube 2.522975 1.48614 3.91045 Tassels (primordia) 70.8395 61.9858 78.7447 Tassels (anther) 144.1903076923077 102.478 193.089 Tassels 96.337375 23.6001 175.23 Silk 93.24945 54.5649 131.934 Ear 92.4965 51.86 162.896 Ear (immature) 69.01213333333334 55.0836 84.3516 Ear (inflorescence) 44.623400000000004 38.0021 51.2447 Ear (primordia) 72.87043333333334 27.3561 104.268 Zygote (12 HAP) 86.5571 60.1237 104.497 Zygote (24 HAP) 82.80223333333333 64.5111 106.809 Daughter cell (apical) 155.43766666666667 130.055 182.968 Daughter cell (basal) 159.66433333333333 139.545 182.037 Embryo 85.03306666666667 34.367 128.869 Nucellus 125.72200000000001 125.229 126.215 Endopserm 161.49367857142857 74.1023 274.659 Kernel 158.859225 59.6426 316.833 Kernel (germinating) 146.4435 100.014 192.873 Seeds 193.97651515151514 70.4787 277.718 Embryo Sac 356.712 341.605 371.819 Pericarp and aleurone 90.4229 90.4229 90.4229 Coleoptile (5 day) 102.46113333333334 90.2467 117.449 Seedling 82.05706956521739 39.3368 171.971 Internode 194.85242857142856 144.148 231.662 Sheath 129.4555 125.588 133.323 Shoot (apex) 140.8141928 46.3221 256.523 Shoot 103.8795 51.1043 159.082 Whole plant 76.585825 53.6801 97.338 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 95.82815 83.2483 108.408 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 184.90866666666668 156.878 230.494 Apical meristem 90.3912 90.3912 90.3912 Stem and meristem 169.1055 166.137 172.074 Stems 169.81062500000002 120.85 237.836 Stem (Internode) 223.50533333333334 181.404 283.832 Leaf 75.06508198198198 12.2156 195.902 Leaf (apex) 135.9275 118.207 153.648 Leaf (bundle sheath) 50.534800000000004 40.6393 60.4303 Leaf (mesophyll) 34.787533333333336 24.6709 43.6026 Leaf (seedlings) 24.263432666666667 3.37557 51.0227 Leaf and kernel 57.4101 41.4784 74.2958 Ear (leaf) 57.5198 57.5198 57.5198 Root 170.89428645833334 98.8185 243.66 Root (elongation zone) 223.41375 155.273 279.194 Root (meristematic zone) 188.2815 175.371 201.192 Root (stele) 200.4565 125.839 238.173 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 163.847 163.847 163.847 Secondary root 128.334 128.334 128.334 Root, root hairs removed 138.782 138.782 138.782 Root (maturation zone) 123.528 123.528 123.528