condition mean min max Egg cell 26.262133333333335 14.9405 42.68 Ovary 3.8749599999999997 2.63547 4.79017 Ovule 15.7878 10.4631 26.3973 Microspore 46.4961438 0.336899 211.921 Bicellular microspore 0.271363 0.271363 0.271363 Pollen (mature) 0.27701994324324325 0.0 2.32777 Pollen tube 0.09384376666666666 0.0575277 0.159049 Sperm cell 0.23095975714285716 0.0 0.64725 Pollen tube 0.09384376666666666 0.0575277 0.159049 Tassels (primordia) 36.891925 27.7846 50.5556 Tassels (anther) 44.612349076923074 0.124138 76.958 Tassels 29.55048 9.43264 55.4408 Silk 6.67645 0.0 13.3529 Ear 27.95908 12.6391 70.5373 Ear (immature) 24.243016666666666 22.392 28.0392 Ear (inflorescence) 18.91405 17.2263 20.6018 Ear (primordia) 35.916266666666665 10.0751 62.8166 Zygote (12 HAP) 35.6456 28.9537 44.8197 Zygote (24 HAP) 49.7926 47.4246 52.1823 Daughter cell (apical) 24.83566666666667 16.953 32.24 Daughter cell (basal) 25.464566666666666 20.8285 31.4951 Embryo 22.861787777777778 7.6432 47.8621 Nucellus 29.70445 29.4728 29.9361 Endopserm 16.353562857142858 0.0 54.3746 Kernel 31.169615 9.53538 59.9688 Kernel (germinating) 33.965599999999995 19.9105 48.0207 Seeds 27.783553636363635 3.80535 59.3976 Embryo Sac 18.62375 17.4754 19.7721 Pericarp and aleurone 10.3626 10.3626 10.3626 Coleoptile (5 day) 9.479003333333333 8.76523 10.6348 Seedling 15.68587652173913 3.4976 57.3047 Internode 29.536342857142856 16.5295 97.3597 Sheath 21.00175 14.7608 27.2427 Shoot (apex) 27.83488872 9.56289 59.8503 Shoot 25.520141666666667 16.3354 40.4912 Whole plant 15.198975 10.4345 18.8351 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 32.053650000000005 30.0355 34.0718 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 127.242 108.216 165.161 Apical meristem 61.4895 61.4895 61.4895 Stem and meristem 61.174350000000004 54.5708 67.7779 Stems 28.02835 17.6257 46.5145 Stem (Internode) 18.4268 16.2521 21.521 Leaf 16.530597765765766 0.0 137.918 Leaf (apex) 31.155 31.0305 31.2795 Leaf (bundle sheath) 11.249425 6.92885 15.57 Leaf (mesophyll) 9.323106666666666 5.91431 14.1192 Leaf (seedlings) 2.5512571333333334 0.202305 4.6909 Leaf and kernel 7.090988333333334 2.33612 24.9066 Ear (leaf) 6.91623 6.91623 6.91623 Root 37.067289645833334 0.0 131.599 Root (elongation zone) 57.705775 21.8547 101.396 Root (meristematic zone) 87.86410000000001 85.7064 90.0218 Root (stele) 14.810725000000001 11.6743 16.6446 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 52.2143 52.2143 52.2143 Secondary root 129.616 129.616 129.616 Root, root hairs removed 57.2739 57.2739 57.2739 Root (maturation zone) 196.38 196.38 196.38