condition mean min max Egg cell 177.92636666666667 45.4111 256.483 Ovary 46.62056666666667 32.3517 54.3496 Ovule 147.63175 123.335 180.125 Microspore 151.26081933999998 0.0929867 716.574 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 30.23089645945946 0.553339 180.131 Pollen tube 24.131383333333332 19.1406 27.4701 Sperm cell 46.81363 0.0 106.784 Pollen tube 24.131383333333332 19.1406 27.4701 Tassels (primordia) 155.49925 140.17 172.065 Tassels (anther) 163.39004615384616 91.7456 282.493 Tassels 151.3996875 85.2818 293.834 Silk 104.07435 12.8477 195.301 Ear 138.4803 43.0687 337.671 Ear (immature) 128.4701 16.1646 187.448 Ear (inflorescence) 221.6655 192.243 251.088 Ear (primordia) 152.9777 69.7595 302.095 Zygote (12 HAP) 389.66833333333335 342.063 433.795 Zygote (24 HAP) 340.7013333333333 322.513 364.845 Daughter cell (apical) 282.5253333333333 240.265 312.435 Daughter cell (basal) 310.749 277.366 347.048 Embryo 90.09097777777778 31.9627 146.28 Nucellus 179.53949999999998 166.046 193.033 Endopserm 32.04397142857143 7.9995 96.2216 Kernel 86.45139166666667 24.2917 179.253 Kernel (germinating) 154.4334 80.6278 228.239 Seeds 91.1714696969697 14.4241 197.43 Embryo Sac 155.3615 108.775 201.948 Pericarp and aleurone 50.8094 50.8094 50.8094 Coleoptile (5 day) 31.896833333333333 31.5532 32.0878 Seedling 70.78662173913044 42.7984 104.283 Internode 153.82885714285715 121.508 243.64 Sheath 61.33905 50.388 72.2901 Shoot (apex) 150.1277672 33.0629 216.024 Shoot 86.54136666666666 66.4551 115.506 Whole plant 65.565675 42.606 78.502 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 269.64750000000004 241.817 297.478 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 220.73066666666668 188.118 281.062 Apical meristem 159.326 159.326 159.326 Stem and meristem 122.364 117.359 127.369 Stems 129.17826250000002 96.0181 156.347 Stem (Internode) 153.03666666666666 132.816 187.663 Leaf 78.60896756756756 18.9655 231.128 Leaf (apex) 207.887 200.752 215.022 Leaf (bundle sheath) 45.62235 44.4876 46.7571 Leaf (mesophyll) 40.741099999999996 33.254 47.3707 Leaf (seedlings) 26.854688 4.34151 56.9943 Leaf and kernel 75.88051666666667 58.6782 93.035 Ear (leaf) 97.1535 97.1535 97.1535 Root 107.08769583333333 49.9812 173.33 Root (elongation zone) 143.740625 85.9255 221.17 Root (meristematic zone) 81.2491 75.0026 87.4956 Root (stele) 88.76255 74.8828 114.296 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 109.156 109.156 109.156 Secondary root 152.926 152.926 152.926 Root, root hairs removed 105.032 105.032 105.032 Root (maturation zone) 176.495 176.495 176.495