condition mean min max Egg cell 42.38223333333333 37.8714 48.2878 Ovary 12.586683333333333 9.32035 14.5639 Ovule 42.662225 27.7332 75.6704 Microspore 4.8186279999999995 0.572708 8.73809 Bicellular microspore 1.08527 1.08527 1.08527 Pollen (mature) 1.2602398486486486 0.0894834 5.63409 Pollen tube 0.4437965 0.400798 0.491209 Sperm cell 1.462243142857143 0.291189 3.81795 Pollen tube 0.4437965 0.400798 0.491209 Tassels (primordia) 86.61325 63.8885 105.277 Tassels (anther) 72.75039230769231 64.0732 83.2463 Tassels 59.3807125 20.4898 117.283 Silk 23.016005 6.37491 39.6571 Ear 59.53432 37.76 81.838 Ear (immature) 48.113083333333336 39.6248 53.0299 Ear (inflorescence) 110.9345 101.171 120.698 Ear (primordia) 77.9481 27.743 110.034 Zygote (12 HAP) 32.15613333333334 25.1914 45.7064 Zygote (24 HAP) 59.66336666666667 53.6373 65.7868 Daughter cell (apical) 66.71856666666667 60.7967 73.5121 Daughter cell (basal) 50.0064 44.1354 60.6966 Embryo 45.23056666666667 20.0254 96.3406 Nucellus 85.5587 84.2838 86.8336 Endopserm 37.224264285714284 5.6183 88.0103 Kernel 64.65193333333333 27.4784 98.0936 Kernel (germinating) 51.457300000000004 47.07 55.8446 Seeds 72.3473393939394 12.6646 139.308 Embryo Sac 76.71645 52.8559 100.577 Pericarp and aleurone 19.2514 19.2514 19.2514 Coleoptile (5 day) 40.658966666666664 36.2392 43.2072 Seedling 36.01486956521739 16.2032 63.3833 Internode 60.955799999999996 52.8287 70.759 Sheath 80.6533 74.8053 86.5013 Shoot (apex) 41.3828512 18.7744 80.6565 Shoot 24.3703 16.6049 37.8666 Whole plant 34.093199999999996 26.7954 41.0479 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 23.71835 23.5502 23.8865 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 23.09453333333333 18.4443 26.4989 Apical meristem 74.0175 74.0175 74.0175 Stem and meristem 70.40615 67.6693 73.143 Stems 74.4941 44.831 110.4 Stem (Internode) 54.95016666666667 52.3551 56.7491 Leaf 42.03458828828829 7.94 275.655 Leaf (apex) 47.3648 43.6199 51.1097 Leaf (bundle sheath) 14.72269 6.76618 22.6792 Leaf (mesophyll) 15.6407 11.3793 17.974 Leaf (seedlings) 13.734956666666667 1.52539 32.5261 Leaf and kernel 23.459683333333334 15.7563 28.9166 Ear (leaf) 25.007 25.007 25.007 Root 55.328259375 13.3673 96.2539 Root (elongation zone) 55.706 20.0241 83.4526 Root (meristematic zone) 76.9533 74.1805 79.7261 Root (stele) 72.281875 64.417 84.0803 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 65.1117 65.1117 65.1117 Secondary root 61.2767 61.2767 61.2767 Root, root hairs removed 64.866 64.866 64.866 Root (maturation zone) 39.4073 39.4073 39.4073