condition mean min max Egg cell 229.73366666666666 115.703 413.081 Ovary 10.74202 8.22646 13.8047 Ovule 32.000975000000004 12.2925 66.8588 Microspore 39.271288 5.74821 124.878 Bicellular microspore 2.65595 2.65595 2.65595 Pollen (mature) 7.878815405405406 1.6102 33.5775 Pollen tube 3.069061666666667 2.80006 3.38474 Sperm cell 5.47053 1.51716 13.2485 Pollen tube 3.069061666666667 2.80006 3.38474 Tassels (primordia) 55.967299999999994 46.4948 69.8749 Tassels (anther) 84.81967692307693 41.232 146.334 Tassels 75.26967499999999 6.7157 128.254 Silk 120.60975 83.7825 157.437 Ear 106.37008999999999 23.3714 414.075 Ear (immature) 29.602 26.5648 35.3983 Ear (inflorescence) 41.873000000000005 33.481 50.265 Ear (primordia) 62.76386166666666 6.68607 109.824 Zygote (12 HAP) 220.98266666666666 209.998 241.93 Zygote (24 HAP) 138.73333333333332 128.804 153.7 Daughter cell (apical) 58.9443 34.487 80.6385 Daughter cell (basal) 47.43326666666667 41.3687 56.766 Embryo 179.95794444444445 38.5584 317.672 Nucellus 83.51294999999999 78.7413 88.2846 Endopserm 141.77677857142857 30.1456 233.416 Kernel 148.21063333333333 75.5112 203.44 Kernel (germinating) 397.9225 245.863 549.982 Seeds 167.4080212121212 39.0747 460.092 Embryo Sac 48.3019 22.5152 74.0886 Pericarp and aleurone 143.898 143.898 143.898 Coleoptile (5 day) 265.7366666666667 206.431 308.955 Seedling 92.06637826086957 35.5622 318.971 Internode 255.3151142857143 47.2208 443.489 Sheath 106.8649 96.5768 117.153 Shoot (apex) 67.4994472 33.9091 103.875 Shoot 47.61089166666667 30.0584 70.553 Whole plant 111.089775 78.0261 141.801 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 35.24705 33.5331 36.961 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 23.2618 18.8917 26.7031 Apical meristem 42.5671 42.5671 42.5671 Stem and meristem 69.3639 60.192 78.5358 Stems 179.274125 79.052 282.362 Stem (Internode) 275.67533333333336 232.051 342.87 Leaf 113.5312036036036 18.8103 654.288 Leaf (apex) 63.487350000000006 49.6317 77.343 Leaf (bundle sheath) 47.8343 43.8918 51.7768 Leaf (mesophyll) 40.28476666666667 27.6918 59.2973 Leaf (seedlings) 36.69576933333333 6.11064 75.0687 Leaf and kernel 69.04755 55.4058 86.5707 Ear (leaf) 109.308 109.308 109.308 Root 137.02401770833333 54.7553 227.233 Root (elongation zone) 59.776374999999994 24.2762 108.636 Root (meristematic zone) 59.793549999999996 56.5746 63.0125 Root (stele) 143.89825 122.503 154.109 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 109.702 109.702 109.702 Secondary root 73.5694 73.5694 73.5694 Root, root hairs removed 115.099 115.099 115.099 Root (maturation zone) 21.9776 21.9776 21.9776