condition mean min max Egg cell 145.9455 73.0675 200.481 Ovary 3.6410133333333334 2.50731 4.43179 Ovule 20.767625 10.5905 36.3324 Microspore 9.3300126 0.565363 30.932 Bicellular microspore 0.140118 0.140118 0.140118 Pollen (mature) 0.39220514864864864 0.0 1.15808 Pollen tube 0.10751008333333333 0.0717255 0.163563 Sperm cell 0.1883143 0.0 0.784963 Pollen tube 0.10751008333333333 0.0717255 0.163563 Tassels (primordia) 45.59415 38.1972 50.5414 Tassels (anther) 50.02653076923077 31.2287 75.1302 Tassels 29.29598625 5.58179 58.5165 Silk 21.669600000000003 15.8884 27.4508 Ear 34.88627 11.2795 97.5408 Ear (immature) 26.874266666666667 19.991 31.6742 Ear (inflorescence) 34.1412 26.9211 41.3613 Ear (primordia) 34.1423 9.4062 43.9207 Zygote (12 HAP) 111.6932 98.4296 128.818 Zygote (24 HAP) 126.13166666666666 116.036 146.093 Daughter cell (apical) 113.91963333333334 96.1319 135.282 Daughter cell (basal) 101.53516666666667 72.4835 125.421 Embryo 22.654135555555555 5.17812 48.8564 Nucellus 42.43045 42.4064 42.4545 Endopserm 8.10808357142857 2.49043 20.226 Kernel 17.834576666666667 9.69222 39.4292 Kernel (germinating) 30.426750000000002 27.7387 33.1148 Seeds 26.21112090909091 4.60381 44.2243 Embryo Sac 32.131299999999996 22.8737 41.3889 Pericarp and aleurone 11.3792 11.3792 11.3792 Coleoptile (5 day) 44.66093333333333 42.6107 47.1886 Seedling 63.38645217391304 24.8906 100.666 Internode 37.12244285714286 27.5279 46.6857 Sheath 57.7113 50.3725 65.0501 Shoot (apex) 30.7418472 15.7075 51.8688 Shoot 38.744258333333335 27.5148 65.6621 Whole plant 42.602875000000004 24.2158 69.1556 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 23.88315 22.9756 24.7907 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 41.3659 37.2808 47.6084 Apical meristem 39.6035 39.6035 39.6035 Stem and meristem 36.50795 34.4112 38.6047 Stems 39.7955875 31.1114 46.3232 Stem (Internode) 34.971066666666665 29.7106 38.2372 Leaf 56.608874144144146 7.47093 173.359 Leaf (apex) 37.33715 33.784 40.8903 Leaf (bundle sheath) 68.54445 39.8583 97.2306 Leaf (mesophyll) 72.7376 61.6898 89.4433 Leaf (seedlings) 27.509771999999998 1.51662 66.2615 Leaf and kernel 33.265 27.5874 41.045 Ear (leaf) 23.201 23.201 23.201 Root 26.0353653125 6.37244 44.109 Root (elongation zone) 14.11635 11.7132 16.7265 Root (meristematic zone) 25.3211 25.2114 25.4308 Root (stele) 33.034625 27.9636 39.4712 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 26.0637 26.0637 26.0637 Secondary root 19.115 19.115 19.115 Root, root hairs removed 24.2537 24.2537 24.2537 Root (maturation zone) 28.7932 28.7932 28.7932