condition mean min max Egg cell 13.47326 6.54448 18.7569 Ovary 3.861623333333333 2.73299 5.21634 Ovule 39.07345 31.2051 56.642 Microspore 129.942002 2.44301 566.456 Bicellular microspore 5.47505 5.47505 5.47505 Pollen (mature) 305.56043243243244 53.5184 708.929 Pollen tube 237.9745 199.513 251.379 Sperm cell 339.23134285714286 11.4735 779.435 Pollen tube 237.9745 199.513 251.379 Tassels (primordia) 64.96125 54.3909 76.007 Tassels (anther) 87.27888461538461 28.4534 141.776 Tassels 98.88143125 3.79515 201.865 Silk 91.64535000000001 75.7067 107.584 Ear 71.39955 15.3624 155.667 Ear (immature) 24.984783333333333 19.8064 28.345 Ear (inflorescence) 37.637 31.459 43.815 Ear (primordia) 28.822311666666668 6.94377 43.3106 Zygote (12 HAP) 31.765533333333334 30.4957 33.447 Zygote (24 HAP) 23.673199999999998 20.686 25.6318 Daughter cell (apical) 4.813856666666666 2.92116 6.13529 Daughter cell (basal) 5.836023333333333 4.44837 7.74924 Embryo 29.9389 11.4847 45.9186 Nucellus 51.5382 40.5989 62.4775 Endopserm 17.634520714285713 4.76014 35.8092 Kernel 48.21966666666667 11.9246 112.76 Kernel (germinating) 38.8753 15.1311 62.6195 Seeds 111.75972727272728 22.1366 219.849 Embryo Sac 67.7004 61.9214 73.4794 Pericarp and aleurone 32.2067 32.2067 32.2067 Coleoptile (5 day) 95.49876666666667 92.9068 100.164 Seedling 115.69995217391305 39.8855 193.776 Internode 187.89128571428571 62.382 234.963 Sheath 194.6355 184.175 205.096 Shoot (apex) 83.8247272 28.6842 186.294 Shoot 63.092125 41.4941 99.7484 Whole plant 96.69565 41.3256 134.988 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 40.59115 33.2693 47.913 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 56.36813333333333 48.3456 70.3349 Apical meristem 26.757 26.757 26.757 Stem and meristem 97.49539999999999 95.7918 99.199 Stems 162.27605 81.72 253.054 Stem (Internode) 212.90933333333334 175.136 248.811 Leaf 125.48975675675676 11.9851 308.53 Leaf (apex) 31.5908 24.6663 38.5153 Leaf (bundle sheath) 88.21175 76.2395 100.184 Leaf (mesophyll) 84.36703333333332 68.8988 100.588 Leaf (seedlings) 68.75414 10.1805 160.379 Leaf and kernel 151.77266666666665 131.945 174.277 Ear (leaf) 109.298 109.298 109.298 Root 92.207065625 20.9242 197.742 Root (elongation zone) 127.647525 57.453 190.924 Root (meristematic zone) 75.84309999999999 74.1197 77.5665 Root (stele) 185.87145 30.5688 274.923 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 97.8037 97.8037 97.8037 Secondary root 52.367 52.367 52.367 Root, root hairs removed 64.6928 64.6928 64.6928 Root (maturation zone) 27.2417 27.2417 27.2417