condition mean min max Egg cell 69.63003333333333 34.565 136.73 Ovary 10.28842 7.19456 13.1686 Ovule 68.8435 47.9937 93.6086 Microspore 5.575175 0.748105 8.93771 Bicellular microspore 0.6154 0.6154 0.6154 Pollen (mature) 0.17214615675675676 0.0 1.09495 Pollen tube 0.05298895 0.0309038 0.081036 Sperm cell 1.657807 0.0 3.83062 Pollen tube 0.05298895 0.0309038 0.081036 Tassels (primordia) 71.740125 64.1844 76.7728 Tassels (anther) 154.00254615384614 63.2384 251.841 Tassels 54.2449125 11.4239 112.336 Silk 50.147400000000005 18.4792 81.8156 Ear 51.66894 19.221 105.028 Ear (immature) 33.02515 22.9812 35.5243 Ear (inflorescence) 34.23545 22.8733 45.5976 Ear (primordia) 70.66193333333334 13.6559 95.7615 Zygote (12 HAP) 22.6758 16.0289 26.4543 Zygote (24 HAP) 28.326900000000002 25.2846 31.2236 Daughter cell (apical) 166.99733333333333 143.008 187.896 Daughter cell (basal) 155.89766666666668 141.007 177.222 Embryo 56.399122222222225 31.8205 75.6431 Nucellus 79.0586 77.904 80.2132 Endopserm 18.143292142857142 3.08367 47.2118 Kernel 30.39604166666667 10.0054 48.5399 Kernel (germinating) 56.262150000000005 41.8337 70.6906 Seeds 67.64460666666666 7.36893 117.704 Embryo Sac 65.37045 64.5503 66.1906 Pericarp and aleurone 15.4783 15.4783 15.4783 Coleoptile (5 day) 110.90353333333333 87.4136 124.819 Seedling 53.791908695652175 19.2086 94.5527 Internode 65.49308571428571 29.0663 86.5469 Sheath 93.96665 84.3963 103.537 Shoot (apex) 57.8198336 20.0258 94.5821 Shoot 33.81386666666667 22.9451 52.9598 Whole plant 71.72145 57.594 83.8169 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 17.9306 16.7461 19.1151 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 63.93346666666667 54.8996 73.7306 Apical meristem 70.4763 70.4763 70.4763 Stem and meristem 81.788 75.5997 87.9763 Stems 80.465175 57.7658 97.3559 Stem (Internode) 68.6315 67.0921 71.6145 Leaf 44.144665045045045 6.51146 115.416 Leaf (apex) 74.62155 71.3457 77.8974 Leaf (bundle sheath) 28.84885 19.4961 38.2016 Leaf (mesophyll) 37.128233333333334 30.3528 46.7689 Leaf (seedlings) 27.100020666666666 5.60741 65.6399 Leaf and kernel 24.0392 21.5521 25.6102 Ear (leaf) 46.1391 46.1391 46.1391 Root 74.836640625 12.7761 132.608 Root (elongation zone) 76.042475 22.3463 137.564 Root (meristematic zone) 115.8945 115.677 116.112 Root (stele) 102.6731 99.1644 105.029 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 84.2052 84.2052 84.2052 Secondary root 34.438 34.438 34.438 Root, root hairs removed 89.4117 89.4117 89.4117 Root (maturation zone) 36.8959 36.8959 36.8959