condition mean min max Egg cell 1078.6669666666667 15.1309 1989.25 Ovary 151.21633333333335 101.747 183.56 Ovule 1033.69 789.426 1337.21 Microspore 317.368096 6.00328 1250.24 Bicellular microspore 2.09617 2.09617 2.09617 Pollen (mature) 8.115937243243243 0.516208 29.1884 Pollen tube 4.234525 3.19433 4.97208 Sperm cell 56.46886871428571 0.252216 134.392 Pollen tube 4.234525 3.19433 4.97208 Tassels (primordia) 1375.0975 1160.65 1643.41 Tassels (anther) 935.1916923076923 591.457 1733.69 Tassels 1232.152875 277.829 3553.49 Silk 442.15950000000004 43.09 841.229 Ear 1246.9818 271.587 2496.95 Ear (immature) 1335.85 1150.05 1694.94 Ear (inflorescence) 732.7170000000001 685.96 779.474 Ear (primordia) 1002.2535 474.832 2007.07 Zygote (12 HAP) 1347.0666666666666 1163.39 1559.19 Zygote (24 HAP) 1335.87 1147.73 1601.09 Daughter cell (apical) 2267.88 1667.46 3063.39 Daughter cell (basal) 2194.2333333333336 1867.23 2370.57 Embryo 980.604 458.318 1529.15 Nucellus 922.0160000000001 918.21 925.822 Endopserm 774.2527857142857 175.027 1517.93 Kernel 940.64375 563.266 3294.61 Kernel (germinating) 956.2165 938.742 973.691 Seeds 670.3142121212121 215.139 1238.64 Embryo Sac 686.1015 253.833 1118.37 Pericarp and aleurone 176.234 176.234 176.234 Coleoptile (5 day) 128.4525 98.9155 178.142 Seedling 465.9586956521739 148.565 1552.99 Internode 582.3504285714286 449.312 979.873 Sheath 782.482 668.932 896.032 Shoot (apex) 950.455416 456.609 2097.82 Shoot 1173.1595 438.303 1925.68 Whole plant 588.327 421.457 759.329 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 1001.383 912.066 1090.7 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 578.5853333333333 365.125 828.036 Apical meristem 1576.62 1576.62 1576.62 Stem and meristem 1092.095 1046.96 1137.23 Stems 547.83725 481.14 610.73 Stem (Internode) 496.60699999999997 476.78 532.66 Leaf 292.6548234234234 31.9838 1995.37 Leaf (apex) 1455.915 1310.03 1601.8 Leaf (bundle sheath) 320.9935 191.458 450.529 Leaf (mesophyll) 256.194 154.454 446.376 Leaf (seedlings) 54.42406866666666 5.99043 91.6528 Leaf and kernel 102.11001666666667 55.7048 239.431 Ear (leaf) 177.601 177.601 177.601 Root 940.5524270833333 216.782 2611.88 Root (elongation zone) 1267.52675 886.207 1739.38 Root (meristematic zone) 2059.225 1830.54 2287.91 Root (stele) 435.52775 374.727 522.541 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 989.371 989.371 989.371 Secondary root 883.207 883.207 883.207 Root, root hairs removed 919.893 919.893 919.893 Root (maturation zone) 1766.2 1766.2 1766.2