condition mean min max Egg cell 1489.9766666666665 798.34 2095.99 Ovary 102.33103333333334 72.5951 127.489 Ovule 1007.34675 735.89 1206.47 Microspore 181.7518334 0.799777 825.058 Bicellular microspore 0.286311 0.286311 0.286311 Pollen (mature) 8.510105324324325 0.0 33.1852 Pollen tube 2.800256666666667 1.84591 3.72362 Sperm cell 64.57669515714285 0.0473681 163.261 Pollen tube 2.800256666666667 1.84591 3.72362 Tassels (primordia) 1316.0775 1156.4 1538.55 Tassels (anther) 884.843923076923 610.449 1261.84 Tassels 705.848875 219.526 2430.94 Silk 325.54200000000003 153.329 497.755 Ear 1138.5803 283.675 2080.8 Ear (immature) 1216.29 1003.87 1533.15 Ear (inflorescence) 996.735 894.2 1099.27 Ear (primordia) 1121.4663333333333 646.478 1329.78 Zygote (12 HAP) 1887.8333333333333 1678.24 2139.94 Zygote (24 HAP) 1891.1866666666667 1713.58 2067.77 Daughter cell (apical) 1361.9833333333333 1183.73 1602.15 Daughter cell (basal) 1649.4933333333333 1529.6 1845.62 Embryo 1108.3393333333333 338.799 1937.2 Nucellus 685.419 677.4 693.438 Endopserm 565.7951428571429 141.451 1144.28 Kernel 931.4108333333334 364.95 1398.26 Kernel (germinating) 1047.107 878.314 1215.9 Seeds 905.6838484848485 343.855 1479.9 Embryo Sac 1579.0700000000002 1229.51 1928.63 Pericarp and aleurone 222.339 222.339 222.339 Coleoptile (5 day) 652.1949999999999 467.397 1014.65 Seedling 355.59991304347824 100.12 1071.75 Internode 673.8498571428571 389.898 1258.14 Sheath 454.456 427.664 481.248 Shoot (apex) 754.752536 318.281 1780.86 Shoot 744.97675 189.223 1105.29 Whole plant 463.704 238.506 604.819 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 1178.595 1127.06 1230.13 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 3444.1800000000003 3028.52 4237.06 Apical meristem 1577.79 1577.79 1577.79 Stem and meristem 1239.705 1168.32 1311.09 Stems 859.447875 495.743 1369.92 Stem (Internode) 590.1923333333333 544.271 662.084 Leaf 432.0965207207207 17.8096 3142.89 Leaf (apex) 1612.815 1530.22 1695.41 Leaf (bundle sheath) 270.8175 147.953 393.682 Leaf (mesophyll) 196.245 121.477 338.556 Leaf (seedlings) 29.91797066666667 3.5219 64.1909 Leaf and kernel 110.08496666666666 49.9811 310.255 Ear (leaf) 232.182 232.182 232.182 Root 738.2568333333334 173.093 1744.57 Root (elongation zone) 1232.49125 696.065 1705.51 Root (meristematic zone) 2119.44 2114.48 2124.4 Root (stele) 482.2815 387.389 661.306 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 861.638 861.638 861.638 Secondary root 1131.04 1131.04 1131.04 Root, root hairs removed 713.721 713.721 713.721 Root (maturation zone) 2275.15 2275.15 2275.15