condition mean min max Egg cell 11.33324 4.47825 23.0768 Ovary 2.3432 1.59806 2.89273 Ovule 28.42615 20.6448 34.6231 Microspore 5.1645468 0.343914 14.7943 Bicellular microspore 0.325029 0.325029 0.325029 Pollen (mature) 0.3241940108108108 0.0 1.15839 Pollen tube 0.8471268333333333 0.657235 1.28494 Sperm cell 12.480452857142858 1.87233 22.0779 Pollen tube 0.8471268333333333 0.657235 1.28494 Tassels (primordia) 27.30205 24.0391 31.7232 Tassels (anther) 31.09616153846154 18.5952 52.7107 Tassels 12.874535 1.95264 27.8904 Silk 14.302685 1.28437 27.321 Ear 19.018662 6.14039 71.8173 Ear (immature) 13.157968333333333 6.49531 16.2755 Ear (inflorescence) 18.1756 12.5339 23.8173 Ear (primordia) 35.16429166666667 4.41345 62.776 Zygote (12 HAP) 77.21873333333333 71.1182 87.3705 Zygote (24 HAP) 49.63183333333333 42.7486 58.1683 Daughter cell (apical) 34.595 27.7541 40.8237 Daughter cell (basal) 28.475966666666665 24.9123 30.5231 Embryo 30.426922222222224 11.2997 56.7594 Nucellus 53.0274 52.8518 53.203 Endopserm 12.491389999999999 3.78208 32.974 Kernel 20.3079125 6.45735 41.0323 Kernel (germinating) 13.52748 6.85656 20.1984 Seeds 27.61488 4.29349 63.2964 Embryo Sac 32.32455 27.4623 37.1868 Pericarp and aleurone 9.81459 9.81459 9.81459 Coleoptile (5 day) 20.584233333333334 14.5325 23.839 Seedling 15.133075652173913 4.65456 31.7706 Internode 28.829044285714286 7.62561 38.7005 Sheath 27.15035 23.3825 30.9182 Shoot (apex) 23.27235816 7.10308 44.4737 Shoot 5.74191 3.37203 13.5481 Whole plant 24.675475 17.818 30.0138 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 7.831714999999999 7.15867 8.50476 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 10.71955 8.32255 12.976 Apical meristem 18.6811 18.6811 18.6811 Stem and meristem 19.25425 18.0993 20.4092 Stems 30.0357875 23.1609 35.7594 Stem (Internode) 34.21876666666667 33.7069 34.8304 Leaf 13.118685900900902 0.70738 44.535 Leaf (apex) 22.27735 20.2151 24.3396 Leaf (bundle sheath) 4.778905 3.04581 6.512 Leaf (mesophyll) 6.578553333333334 5.3683 8.24718 Leaf (seedlings) 5.749692666666666 1.63003 9.21295 Leaf and kernel 6.715105 5.09847 10.1474 Ear (leaf) 18.2059 18.2059 18.2059 Root 13.563296666666666 2.28541 29.0871 Root (elongation zone) 8.4803925 2.05149 14.5236 Root (meristematic zone) 15.92915 14.5395 17.3188 Root (stele) 15.618675 14.3038 17.9789 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 11.5355 11.5355 11.5355 Secondary root 3.60059 3.60059 3.60059 Root, root hairs removed 10.9334 10.9334 10.9334 Root (maturation zone) 4.95125 4.95125 4.95125