condition mean min max Egg cell 0.23736566666666664 0.0 0.636303 Ovary 17.307066666666667 13.3693 21.1668 Ovule 22.878982500000003 3.21924 73.43 Microspore 0.256301708 0.0 0.759033 Bicellular microspore 0.640369 0.640369 0.640369 Pollen (mature) 0.1465285018918919 0.0 0.989563 Pollen tube 0.072782 0.0393199 0.136583 Sperm cell 3.060441885714286 0.0201799 7.19459 Pollen tube 0.072782 0.0393199 0.136583 Tassels (primordia) 3.3496425 2.98017 3.51842 Tassels (anther) 9.175192307692308 2.96846 45.4904 Tassels 52.142840375 0.683793 100.643 Silk 55.76105 53.4316 58.0905 Ear 29.768518999999998 3.34067 95.2841 Ear (immature) 3.8617483333333333 3.42698 4.43186 Ear (inflorescence) 5.322945 4.26929 6.3766 Ear (primordia) 3.4105499999999997 1.3907 5.50805 Zygote (12 HAP) 3.2458299999999998 1.21873 6.49426 Zygote (24 HAP) 1.3088866666666668 1.01671 1.68233 Daughter cell (apical) 1.5764233333333333 0.0 4.3151 Daughter cell (basal) 0.2302782 0.0451386 0.530234 Embryo 7.21885 1.83558 14.9364 Nucellus 16.64145 16.2824 17.0005 Endopserm 6.5182148571428575 0.444916 63.6364 Kernel 64.6162 3.69229 228.728 Kernel (germinating) 77.31784999999999 57.22 97.4157 Seeds 88.09038848484849 4.98477 214.699 Embryo Sac 25.342290000000002 5.88528 44.7993 Pericarp and aleurone 5.97759 5.97759 5.97759 Coleoptile (5 day) 11.4598 10.4506 13.2909 Seedling 37.21160434782609 10.761 70.2187 Internode 280.6918285714286 12.5228 570.042 Sheath 55.83955 53.2237 58.4554 Shoot (apex) 48.92624808 7.41891 172.959 Shoot 32.59263333333333 15.7115 66.4413 Whole plant 36.832775 18.5358 57.186 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 3.247725 2.56966 3.92579 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 2.015746666666667 1.94916 2.13757 Apical meristem 1.56608 1.56608 1.56608 Stem and meristem 35.2382 30.6918 39.7846 Stems 265.702175 12.0373 516.453 Stem (Internode) 341.548 189.379 513.994 Leaf 55.39274963963964 5.57852 209.246 Leaf (apex) 1.879285 1.5541 2.20447 Leaf (bundle sheath) 42.06505 34.8645 49.2656 Leaf (mesophyll) 24.3216 18.9938 33.1813 Leaf (seedlings) 27.392372666666667 2.25061 87.0433 Leaf and kernel 21.492616666666667 12.8384 29.4103 Ear (leaf) 89.5279 89.5279 89.5279 Root 53.196945416666665 5.13998 161.431 Root (elongation zone) 72.341425 35.2002 115.097 Root (meristematic zone) 33.435900000000004 32.7717 34.1001 Root (stele) 115.46995 60.0374 161.623 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 66.873 66.873 66.873 Secondary root 59.8049 59.8049 59.8049 Root, root hairs removed 43.6788 43.6788 43.6788 Root (maturation zone) 22.4575 22.4575 22.4575