condition mean min max Egg cell 60.167766666666665 21.4929 113.408 Ovary 33.5457 23.8818 40.879 Ovule 107.4528 21.3433 293.56 Microspore 40.404112 4.11036 96.5427 Bicellular microspore 2.23103 2.23103 2.23103 Pollen (mature) 1.6221847783783785 0.0 9.07846 Pollen tube 0.7460645 0.479463 1.12075 Sperm cell 2.5708352857142858 0.265 6.09195 Pollen tube 0.7460645 0.479463 1.12075 Tassels (primordia) 410.257 341.355 588.958 Tassels (anther) 268.657 135.093 326.284 Tassels 299.3328125 46.9283 926.783 Silk 49.79505 36.9788 62.6113 Ear 323.96111 68.2162 968.411 Ear (immature) 411.8931666666667 368.521 437.574 Ear (inflorescence) 272.48199999999997 218.24 326.724 Ear (primordia) 486.4451666666667 231.859 888.239 Zygote (12 HAP) 113.31193333333333 88.1108 133.684 Zygote (24 HAP) 182.359 155.734 216.297 Daughter cell (apical) 80.11623333333333 60.9827 93.5608 Daughter cell (basal) 89.50756666666666 83.9297 94.2957 Embryo 200.9467888888889 81.9882 421.805 Nucellus 213.3705 192.606 234.135 Endopserm 128.35085714285714 23.8636 340.135 Kernel 174.525975 63.4324 340.91 Kernel (germinating) 235.13895 82.0539 388.224 Seeds 182.86903636363635 31.4186 331.57 Embryo Sac 89.41995 82.1367 96.7032 Pericarp and aleurone 79.1503 79.1503 79.1503 Coleoptile (5 day) 158.10766666666666 146.774 169.188 Seedling 106.35470869565218 37.2292 431.274 Internode 173.61272857142856 94.5711 511.242 Sheath 172.29399999999998 144.714 199.874 Shoot (apex) 192.4227488 68.1611 452.004 Shoot 205.59756666666667 93.7518 268.779 Whole plant 111.9434 59.3966 143.397 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 225.2525 212.276 238.229 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 651.15 459.427 795.589 Apical meristem 540.812 540.812 540.812 Stem and meristem 356.748 348.125 365.371 Stems 153.3825375 95.3263 219.586 Stem (Internode) 118.17 108.559 128.391 Leaf 99.53703945945946 4.54652 779.07 Leaf (apex) 396.18899999999996 351.715 440.663 Leaf (bundle sheath) 102.28875 50.0315 154.546 Leaf (mesophyll) 79.63383333333334 49.6726 129.847 Leaf (seedlings) 13.738724 1.01631 42.222 Leaf and kernel 42.74386666666667 19.4709 118.607 Ear (leaf) 44.1828 44.1828 44.1828 Root 226.80106770833333 58.341 755.841 Root (elongation zone) 343.975 135.031 600.493 Root (meristematic zone) 378.72950000000003 377.314 380.145 Root (stele) 85.626375 75.1376 92.0778 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 318.792 318.792 318.792 Secondary root 732.016 732.016 732.016 Root, root hairs removed 425.83 425.83 425.83 Root (maturation zone) 1058.18 1058.18 1058.18