condition mean min max Egg cell 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ovary 25.174466666666667 18.8024 31.4964 Ovule 42.8687175 5.31287 136.542 Microspore 67.09602794 0.0112887 328.499 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 0.06630462297297297 0.0 0.729517 Pollen tube 0.0227889 0.0 0.045566 Sperm cell 0.17994428571428572 0.0 0.401445 Pollen tube 0.0227889 0.0 0.045566 Tassels (primordia) 39.1235 33.1533 45.01 Tassels (anther) 75.09096153846154 38.3731 137.67 Tassels 46.7437375 20.2904 91.7037 Silk 31.25725 30.483 32.0315 Ear 79.89755000000001 41.5596 180.769 Ear (immature) 34.17451666666667 28.158 39.8796 Ear (inflorescence) 112.2464 99.9488 124.544 Ear (primordia) 39.1373 15.6162 67.8597 Zygote (12 HAP) 2.812796666666667 1.57576 3.99576 Zygote (24 HAP) 2.7532466666666666 1.49065 4.13889 Daughter cell (apical) 0.5440223333333333 0.336493 0.846486 Daughter cell (basal) 0.87641 0.482008 1.33643 Embryo 20.492975555555557 9.98098 34.0118 Nucellus 84.3498 78.5759 90.1237 Endopserm 9.906532142857143 4.91555 22.609 Kernel 17.949608333333334 7.64912 45.8748 Kernel (germinating) 41.7215 29.2854 54.1576 Seeds 37.30535393939394 4.13796 71.278 Embryo Sac 26.39495 11.9817 40.8082 Pericarp and aleurone 4.88415 4.88415 4.88415 Coleoptile (5 day) 37.947766666666666 37.1 39.4832 Seedling 28.09866086956522 13.411 77.4653 Internode 119.8897 53.9039 182.115 Sheath 76.93325 74.5079 79.3586 Shoot (apex) 58.9280936 27.5837 143.068 Shoot 16.370225 12.0375 26.4535 Whole plant 53.524575 30.8729 76.6416 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 28.11075 25.6812 30.5403 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 11.566766666666666 7.5719 16.8551 Apical meristem 25.7408 25.7408 25.7408 Stem and meristem 28.6268 26.601 30.6526 Stems 118.8927625 75.5569 171.237 Stem (Internode) 132.0223 63.5799 186.769 Leaf 29.298313333333333 4.21772 132.118 Leaf (apex) 27.991999999999997 27.7485 28.2355 Leaf (bundle sheath) 11.477045 8.92519 14.0289 Leaf (mesophyll) 11.098676666666666 8.02553 14.0591 Leaf (seedlings) 11.006634666666667 2.43247 26.4316 Leaf and kernel 36.65275 25.196 40.7853 Ear (leaf) 26.9683 26.9683 26.9683 Root 36.94863739583333 8.91287 125.984 Root (elongation zone) 19.285525 12.7496 30.153 Root (meristematic zone) 16.5818 16.0021 17.1615 Root (stele) 27.940025 22.3559 33.9676 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 20.1091 20.1091 20.1091 Secondary root 20.5501 20.5501 20.5501 Root, root hairs removed 18.0589 18.0589 18.0589 Root (maturation zone) 11.0724 11.0724 11.0724